thepalagoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep -- during the NNN banwave I got banned from a bunch of places I never bothered to go anyway.

This weekend I was bored and browsing /r/all and saw some blatantly false Coof post and checked the comments and saw more blatantly false coof stuff. I tried to post a rebuttal and realized I was banned.

Then I realized I was probably watching a post generated by AI and comments generated by AI and moved on with my life.

thepalagoon 15 points ago +15 / -0

It's funny how they only find cases when they do tests. Amazing.

I have to imagine those college football fans aren't running out to get tested with a runny nose or a sore throat. And magically, without cases to support the hysteria, they can't manufacture deaths

thepalagoon 11 points ago +11 / -0

I do suspect you're right. There's been a lot of movement over the past 18-20 months with local and federal politics that just don't make sense - from lockdowns to election fraud - it's all so blatant and obvious and nothing ever happens.

Then I realized - this is how it used to be. I voted for Obama twice - had no idea he was as incompetent as he was and had my head below the sand.

Right now, with Orange Man gone, the media and the government are trying to go back to business as usual - glowing puff pieces describing how effective our government is, while we can just look past the media and see all of our "elected" leaders just rolling around in corruption like a pig in shit.

The cat is out of the bag, and Trump helped us see it, and make sure we won't be able to un-see it.

thepalagoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump is a well-known germophobe. I'm sure that's why they went with the bioweapon strategy.

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