Thank you for the free speech, sir.
If anyone bothered to look at the other videos they’d see Im not a race-baiter, my fing husband is white. Damn, these sensitive a**, bigoted, 4 channers that cry race card quicker than a pussy fing Democrat. Reeeeeee yourselves
You’re definitely sitting in your mother’s life in basement, downing boxes of Lucky Charms while playing Video Games. You probably pop a small chub when you watch her cleaning up your room and picking up the jizz-filled socks from around your bed, you corny f*cking 4chan edgelord.
Bunch of fcking edgelords on here. Wasn’t meant to race bait. Was spreading facts. Fck off.
Two Presidents at once... Biden was sworn in like....12 minutes early. There was technically TWO serving Presidents, which you cannot have.
Dr Robert Malone feels parents should be especially careful when vaccinating young girls...
Thank you for posting...methinks I need to make a video about this.