pkvi_mv 2 points ago +2 / -0

BTC has always been the beta conditioning project to get people to adopt the idea of digital currency. The hype of value is fake for that reason too. There is no coincidence BTC was release THE SAME MONTH as Klaus introducing the Fourth Industrial Revolution Great Reset mantra at Davos 2009(g).

It will either be what you suggest -- BTC will just become CBDC -- but ayh have leaned more over the last years that they will release USDC aka CBDC and then immediately regulate the fuck out of crypto (mysterious why they haven't , right? wink) -- and the gov and Central Bank will offer a ratio exchange from crypt to USDC -- and this will inherently breed users and value.

pkvi_mv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh was in your camp to believe not all religion is bad for my whole life -- but in the last 5 years ayh finally gave up that notion when watch Christians willingly betray themselves bcz of false fundamentals they believe exist and do nothing to be critical of or defend against. Christians (who were my last tolerance) are the cuckiest of them all and ayh see how it was always crafted that way. Jews and allies created Christianity as a defense mechanism. Some times it turned on them but several times thru history they restored the cucking.

It is inarguable that the world would be a better place without the theatrics.

pkvi_mv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mesh peasants network, where they watch us like dots on a screen from a TPTB control room

pkvi_mv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Life is not amazing :)

In my 40's ayh am of the last generation to know life before the internet -- and to participate in the transition to the misery that civilization is today.

That is a burden. Ayh know things will not get better. Ayh am guilty of helping it. Ayh feel guilt and anger and rage and wanting of revenge for having sacrificed for liars.

Ayh and many like me suffer from the knowledge to either pretend we can tolerate 25+ more years of watching and hoping.. or fleeing.. or doing what is right.

Life is not amazing. Life sucks bcz we grew a conscience.

pkvi_mv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh typed Sam Baily and the result corrected to some fat ugly singer Sam Bailey. Sigh, ayh hate the modern world. Celebrities are more valued.

Any who, she looks like Melissa Joan Hart.

Ayh ranted a few years bacl about how our movement of resistance would have more ambitious soldiers of we had more vocal attractive women bcz it is a basic biological fact that men labor for women. We do what they say bcz we desire to protect them (to impress them so we can fuck them). The left has all many attractive women (bcz they are vain and two dimensional and thus idiots) and it oddly puts us as a disadvantage. We have fat right wingers and the attractive women are few out spoken (bcz they have responsible motherhood lives instead) and are often annoying talking heads.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek has no idea the power she holds. She herself could trigger a revolution.

pkvi_mv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read "Inventing the AIDS Virus" by Dr. Peter Duesberg bcz it explains how once virus hunting became an industry by pharma, the goal was to affix any elevated signs of infection when some one was sick to any conditions for profit.

What happened was artificial drug abuse exploded in the 70's and it led to autoimmune disorders -- virus hunters found that HTLVIII would elevate when they were sick.. so they said "this is the cause" but it wasn't.. it was the result. Our body has countless bacteria and when sick some bacteria become more able to leech on the body -- staph is the best known one.

And that is how they convinced people HIV causes AIDS.

Fast forward to today and you can be "HIV undetectable" and "not transmit HIV" honk

pkvi_mv 1 point ago +1 / -0

David Knight left Jones and makes for an enjoyable but too long winded podcast. He accuses all the right people and he also called out Jones and Trump for being pussy frauds and blackmailed.

Ayh agree with you that most figures on that stage are blackmailed. Their actions are often far too strayed from sincerity to not be influenced by threat.

pkvi_mv 1 point ago +1 / -0





You believe labels. There in lies the problem and if you are on this forum, you shd know this by now. If not, you are still in the coping phase. Keep going.

pkvi_mv 4 points ago +6 / -2

texas is a red state

Not any more. Last time ayh passed thru West Louisiana aka Dallas and Houston, ayh don't know where Texas went. San Antonio felt like Norte Tejas. McCallen, Paso.. yes traditional Texans exist.. but none of that matters when as things get worse.. they get worse.

Texas has a hardcore-Zionist cripple.. they will not get better any time soon.

pkvi_mv 2 points ago +3 / -1

It is not about reliable as much as it about newer implementations for sustainability which will make it more reliable.

The North East is archaic garbage that they even admit can not be updated (first hand knowledge and personal experience). They would prefer it bombed away to rebuild it with new infrastructure.

Texas has space and access and means. So does Florida, Arizona.. also places they are expanding all these greedy cunts to.

pkvi_mv 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is about isolation.

Minimizing away from a fragile archaic grid in the East to a grid that is rapidly bcz stabilized is key to the digital token future

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