pkvi_halfkdeltaxsq 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you imagine even finding such a thing without having some catalog of such things to begin with?!

European, Arabic, and Asian human history as told thru papal archives (narrative, propaganda, or not) over thousands of years, would required thousands of people 24/7 for decades.. yet they find scraps here and there :/

pkvi_halfkdeltaxsq 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ayh had a friend who accompanied a researcher years ago to read a document in the archives regarding some thing from just a few hundred years ago, very innocuous informstion, and the process ayh recall was absurdity for what is deemed a library. Took months for approval and again from memory, they prep it for retrieval.

It fascinates me to think if any one alive knows the contents of all that is there -- or if it has reached an infection point where the rules superseded memory and modern "librarians" just see most materials as off limits without context. "That room is off limits without papal authority". Why? "Just cuz." Which is very indicative of modern society.

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