papagiorgio-g 1 point ago +1 / -0

I grew it decades ago.

Most important factor is picking the strain. Growing conditions are next to include light, air circulation, temperature, watering, and fertilizer.

I grew pretty good stuff and it kept my friends and I well supplied. It took me years to get San Marzano Roma tomatoes to grow well. Blossom end rot was my biggest problem. I've only figured that out in the last 3 years.

I haven't touched the stuff for 30 years now. Having multiple licenses for work that require random drug tests put the brakes to that activity.

papagiorgio-g 1 point ago +1 / -0

The stuff is easier to grow than tomatoes.

Why anyone buys it in a State where it's legal is insane.

papagiorgio-g 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm old as dirt. Basic training for me was in 1987 so some stuff then probably doesn't happen now. I happened to end up on a garbage detail and had to empty my Drill Sergeant's trash can. They had the "training plan" calendar on the wall and every single little thing was spelled out in detail.

Basic in the Army and especially the Marines is a giant mind fuck. It was designed and fine tuned over decades by psychologists and other people with PhD after their names to achieve one simple thing. Take Pvt Joe Blow with his hopefully at least 90 iq off the city street corner, and make him a somewhat trained infantryman that follows orders in 8-12 weeks.

For the stupid and weak minded it works extremely well. For someone reasonably intelligent like myself, that had family and friends who were veterans, I went in with an edge. I knew how not to gain attention on myself, and just cruised on through with no problems.

When I was in Germany in 1990 I got a slot for the "Berlin orientation tour" because I made my Group CO and Company CO look good at the NCO academy in Nurnberg. I went to Berlin in April which was 5 months after the wall had opened. I saw Soviet soldiers when I was there.

I cannot say where these Soviet guys were from. They could have been from the "stans", from Chechnya, from near fucking Mongolia for all I know. I don't even know if I even saw a real Russian. I can say though that they were all slovenly looking and acted un professional in public. We were in class A's and had an inspection every morning before getting on the bus. They looked like homeless people wearing identical dirty clothes.

That's my anecdotal view of Soviet soldiers. I don't know if that's still how the Russian military works.

papagiorgio-g 2 points ago +2 / -0

Walmart had a Christmas commercial 2 years ago where everyone was a person of color or a woman except for one teenage white boy....he had Down's syndrome. No joke.