interesting chan thread (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777
Stay Safe (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777
"Science" (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777

Somewhat unrelated to the news cycle, and more classic conspiracy weirdness.

Hopi Prophecy video

The synopsis is 2 brothers, one who goes the way of technology, and another who stays behind who retains the old ways.
The brother who learns technology returns to the land.
In the best outcome, the 2 paths are merged into 1 that is benevolent where people live in harmony with nature, technology, each other. A new nation or group of people is awakened and live on the right path.
In the worst outcome, the path to technology leads to destruction.

Interestingly, the prophecy describes 3-4 groups of people who will come to the land and 'shake things up' into some type of awakening that will help precipitate the outcomes.
Each of these groups has a known symbol:
The first group has a symbol that looks like a swastika.
The second group has a symbol that looks like the sun (maybe like the Society of Jesus aka Jesuits)
The third group of people is described as a man with a 'red hat, or cloak' (Red Shield AKA Roth Schild?)
• Finally, if those do not awaken people, a 4th group comes from the west coast in a large wave and has no mercy on anyone who remains.

They also mention the 4-corners area will be the center which holds some of the worst shake-ups.
(Interesting that landmark points directly to Easter Island if you project the N/S line down)
He also questions if the predator class knows this; the probably do and will bomb there first.
They mention once people start 'making people', or genetic engineering, or fucking with the male/female symbols, shit is really fucked.

Had this thought also (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777
When you see it (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777
Cognitive Dissonance (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777

They use the accurate thesis that policing and judiciary rights are in a shitty state.
Need some BLM / Nazi youth propaganda posters


Now you'll have people w/ compromised immune systems wearing dirty masks
Transmission won't be reduced, but sickness will be amplified.
From day 1 this thing has been a comedy/tragedy of errors, but this doubling-down is leading the vaxsheep to epicly bad decisions.

NY Fall Preview (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777
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