looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

Make these transparent in a drawing program and try some. Adjust for camera position and angles. Skull shapes

There are other things to look at. Females with wide spaced down sloping eyes. Males with sloping clavicles. Females with long arms, neck. They are not transitioned. It's genetic and associated with psychopathic lying. Complete 100% psychopaths that live for the con. They have no conscience. Accept that everyone you see, hear and read is a monster on the inside.

looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

It was difficult to find any pictures of non-trannish people. That is soft tissue matching skeletal. Some kind of algo in operation? All your media is the trannish so people just are not seeing any to compare with. This has been the case for a long time.

Non Hive Humans

looknohands -2 points ago +2 / -4

Cause I'm right. My karma on Reddit was over -30 on two posts. Very proud of triggering the hive. Pretty much every conspiracy theory is a deliberate misdirection. All promoted by the lying psycho trannish hive. This is the valid conspiracy theory. Join the BOGNs and see the discussion and more resources.



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looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

Ash Barty does the claw with middle and ring fingers together after the match. Picture standing with husband the arm is rotated to present the back of hand making phalanges prominent. Husband the same with index finger extended a little. Any non casual placement of the fingers. Watch your newsreaders or popular youtubers. Spot them and they start to become clear. That is how the hive organizes.

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. Thats why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done.

The finger gestures all mean the same thing. It is not like the masons. They all mean, I am one of you, I might be lying, back up my lies, join my psyop. Catch on?

Notice how the crazy theories are posted with no reaction. Me think they protest too much

Just stop and think about all the conspiracy theories. They are impossible because "someone would have said something". Its a matter of logistics. How do you assemble a large coordinated group of liars? The Hive. They are psychopaths and its genetically associated with the soft tissue on gender, skeletal the other. Trans is acting as a psyop to cover the associated psychopathy. Now how do they network. The finger gestures are any finger gesture. They all mean the same as far as I can tell, "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." All the media, politicians, everyone, you see, hear and read. Check them out.

The trick is they are trained in their hive families from birth. So its automatic for them. Practice it a bit and just watch either mainstream media or even a youtuber with 10k subs. They will all be hive. Ever wonder why some youtubers have 2m+ subs? They might be good but not that good. Watch their fingers and start to develop the sensitivity. This is how they do it. The whole Jenka tower of lies collapses.

Those crazy psyop protests you see. Fake arrests. "rent-a-crowd" They are both sides pretending. Watch their fingers, the police included.

The Key

World War II leaders

Join here for discussion.



looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Marciano vs Walcott

Maybe if you saw it in real time. Often the comms is given by someone in the background.

2:02 Walcott's corner man gives the 'claw hand on hip' finger gesture. He then picks his nose. Sorry you had to see that.

3:39 Marciano corner man gives the 'claw hand on hip' finger gesture.

Both Walcott and Marciano have female skull shapes.

The Billy Joel song We Didnt Start the Fire is all hive operatives, psyops and hoaxes. JFK and Marciano are in there. The slick 'they are masons' vid is a misdirection.

looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

Well how about you join BOGNs and debate that. More poeple are catching on to the psycho trannish game.

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looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

Hitler was a monster. Just not the kind of monster you are told.These monsters are with us today, everyone you see, hear and read. Genetic psychopaths that network with the finger gestures.

You can look up Simon Wiesenthal and find the same finger gestures. The psycho trannish finger gesturing Hive. They play both sides.

Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. That's why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done.

The finger gestures all mean the same thing. It is not like the masons. They all mean, I am one of you, I might be lying, back up my lies, join my psyop. Catch on?


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looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

I would like to point out one of psycho trannish traitor General Mike Flynn's Army of Digital Soldiers. This is who he was talking about.

Mike Flynn Traitor

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

The real enemy is the psycho trannish finger gesturing hive. They create all these fake enemies so you dont look further. More resources on BOGNs.


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Freemasons are another psyop. Anyone with a profile pushing them is very likely a psycho trannish hive finger gesturer.

Albert Pike

Altiyan Childs

Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. Thats why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done.

The finger gestures all mean the same thing. It is not like the masons. They all mean, I am one of you, I might be lying, back up my lies, join my psyop. Catch on?

looknohands -5 points ago +1 / -6

0:05 1st kuckle not bent as normal. Often the start, end or thumbnail. 0:13 Finger holding the bowl. Yes plausible denial. 3:06 Interviewer with two fingers prominent. 3:06 Yuri claw with right. Little finger overlaps. 3:27 to 3:29 Skipping a lot, he's a hive monster 1:17:09 Chin touch, Index finger separated with left hand.

They do them when they are lying which is most of the time. Notice Yuri has a female skull shape.

Was thinking of his other lecture as well. Also G Edward Griffin. Once you realize it's "everyone you, see, hear and read" it's easier. Every published author, anyone with a profile. This guy was press in USSR. By everyone I mean Alexandr Solzhenitsyn as well. Every nobel prize winner.

Example Nobel Prize winner: Malala HOAX

Communist Threat HOAX - Watch their fingers

Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. Thats why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done. Practice and you will get it.

The finger gestures all mean the same thing. It is not like the masons. They all mean, I am one of you, I might be lying, back up my lies, join my psyop. Catch on?

More psyops and traitors exposed on BOGNs.


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looknohands -7 points ago +1 / -8

Yuri is a psyop. The real enemy is the psycho trannish finger gesturing hive. They create all these fake enemies so you dont look further. t.me/bognbogn t.me/bognbognchat


Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. Thats why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done.

The finger gestures all mean the same thing. It is not like the masons. They all mean, I am one of you, I might be lying, back up my lies, join my psyop. Catch on?

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

The only thing they fear is exposure. Thorpe is a psycho trannish finger gesturing Hive operative. In cahoots with Hanson. Posie Parker is just another Hive operative. It's everyone you see, hear and read.

Everyone you see, hear and read has skeletal structure different gender to their soft tissue. This is associated with a psychopathy connected to lying, conning and betrayal. The finger gestures are their way of working together. This is the Hive.

This movie is about them.

The Truth About John Carpenter's They Live

looknohands -4 points ago +1 / -5

RFK Jr is a Traitor too. Notice his female skull shape. Watch their fingers.

You are in a war for the survival of your species. No longer any joke. The hive likely started in the middle east, Chaldea, Dravidian, Egypt. They are replacing normal male and female with this mixed psychopathic hive. Soft tissue one gender, skeletal the other. Psychologically addicted to lying, conning, betraying and even destruction. Get informed at BOGNs. Get active in what ever way you can.

Trying to explain the importance of the training from birth. We have muscle memory for some things. Riding a bicycle is one everyone knows. You can't explain it but the brain has trained. Same with eye memory. So they can spot the finger gestures like a flash. If you practice you find it does become automatic. Thats why you cant see what they are doing. And cant understand that it can be done.

Psychopaths Trannish - Watch their fingers



Tucker Carlson - Stop listening to these people

Gen Flynn - TRAITOR

World War II - Another psycho trannish psyop

Nobody Shot JFK - Another HOAX from the Psycho trannish hive

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looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

The opposite of a lie can also be a lie. Truth can stand by itself.

Muh Deep State Psyop. Muh communist plot, muh Jews, muh election fraud, trump gonna save me, putin is a white hat, muh antifa, muh fascists muh snake venom, muh paper masks, muh adrenochrome, muh pelosi, muh hunters laptop.

They all have soft tissue one gender, skeletal the other. Genetic link to psychopathic lying. Just WATCH THEIR FINGERS



looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

The reason is they are Hive and triggered. Hive General Flynn calls them "An army of digital soldiers." Isnt it odd my theory gets so much hate? The Hive sites like fakebook, reddit, twitter, etc have reporting mechanism and you get banned very quickly for saying this. Am surprised to find a forum that doesn't ban me straight away.

The reason you don't see is it is mind memory, they are trained from birth. They can pick them up like a flash. You can test this yourself on charity workers, church elders.

The elephant in the room is their soft tissue is one gender and skeletal structures are another. NO they are not MtF of FtM transitioned. That is a psyop. They are born that way. So if they share a physical genetic link, might they share a psychological genetic link? Yes, they like to lie, con, betray and even destroy. That is the hive.

Ask yourself, how did I know that Michaels grandmother would have a male skull shape? Every male in the montage has a female skull shape. How did I know?

Example look at the comms right through this psyop. Anything on main stream media is a psyop: Election Fraud Psyop

Pic from another video Melissa Carone

Dont know if you follow Stop Muh Steal Psyop: Jenna Ellis Trump Giuliani

Put on the glasses. We need to build an army. Join BOGNs to find out more:


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looknohands -1 points ago +2 / -3

2EyesOpen. Cant really tell the difference between hive disinfo agents and people that wont put on the glasses. Very odd conspiracy forum that is ok with lizard people and aliens but rejects the pattern that exposes all of it. Trannish, Psychopathic, Finger gestures, Trained from birth in the family.



looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Brushing hair is a secret symbol, it to do with the fingers. I bet every cheerleader is trannish. Female soft tissue, male skeletal features. Vice versa for males. If they were all left handed you would know something is going on. Open your eyes and see the monsters.

Prove me wrong. I'll wait.

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