long_tetris_piece 2 points ago +3 / -1

Spot on. These asshats (especially (((OP))), the asshat afraid of a letter, on his 12th account) don't have ANY solutions of any kind, whatsoever. They just want to screech that everything is wrong and pretend to be on some higher plain of existence than the rest of us. While we already agree that shit is fucked, but also understand that burning the country to ashes isn't the solution. They're the intellectual equivalent of a baby who doesn't want to take a bath, yet they think they're intellectually superior.

long_tetris_piece 0 points ago +1 / -1


lol... 2nd blocked ever, and less than 12 hrs. Bye shill.

long_tetris_piece 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh wow, I guess block doesn't work like I thought it does, I've never had to use it. Ok, no bother, this will be my last response to you.

I'm done wasting my time, because everything you're saying is literal projection. YOU have no evidence, YOU can't prove your own words, YOU are a brainless Jew. When 100% of everything you say is polar opposite from the truth, any attempt to discuss or argue is a waste of time. You're too far on the retard spectrum to even interact with. It's not that I can't "prove" anything, it's that you've made wild claims and you haven't defended them beyond "NUH UH!!! NUH UH!!!". You've come and thrown your own feces around and when called out for being an idiot you laugh and smear it on your face like you've experienced some kind of victory.

Listen close; you're actually too stupid to have any kind of genuine debate with. You're the kind of guy who pulled this shit on his parents his whole life in order to get his way. Maybe they were older parents than other kids', because they were too exhausted to correct you. This was a disservice to you, because you always thought you won, when they were just too old or tired to bother. This gave you a false sense of higher intelligence. Every encounter you have online are two people, someone as low IQ as you, where you usually don't argue, or someone smarter than you where, justified and emboldened by your misinterpreted historic conversations, you think you "win". The reality is, when the smarter person realizes their speaking to such a dumb person, they stop interacting. Because they are in a no win situation. When you encounter someone like me, you don't know what to do. So you escalate hoping to get me into an endless debate in which no amount of facts will get you to admit how dumb you are. You make wild claims and any challenge to it is a "straw man" lol. A term you picked up from your Jewish friends on Reddit that you never heard before 3 years ago. A term you use (also incorrectly) all the time as a "Get Out of Self Awareness Free" card.

Good luck with your baby fit and campaign of "DOING NOTHING IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN" mentality, because let's be crystal clear; you're doing nothing. You offer no solutions. You can't prove your baseless theories. Anyway, you're boring and very unintelligent. So this is me ceasing the interaction.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh so no example? Gotcha!

Hey man, enjoy your pseudo moral superiority that you hang your entire personality on, which boils down to "things should just be the way I want it without me doing anything, ok?" Go light up another bowl, loser!

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh ok. Give me one example of how not voting, combined with no other action, has fixed corruption. You have all of history to draw on.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +2 / -1

Horseshit. That only works if nobody votes. This is the same logic behind gun control. It only works if they're all gone; police, civilian, military... ALL. Same logic.

Edit: even then it doesn't work. You need more than inaction.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +5 / -4

I've had it with this guy and his distain for the English language and insistence on his own self importance. He's literally said (before his first account got banned) he's too important to say "I", because I is too small of a word to contain his importance. Doom doom doom, don't vote, leave your country, there's no hope. I wonder why he's here then?

Are elections 100%? No. Does voting hurt? No. So why bash primarily one side, and then encourage everyone not to vote? What could be the long play here? I just can't pin it on the nose....

long_tetris_piece 2 points ago +3 / -1

100%, he's a retard, and probably jewish.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +2 / -1

Insult? What insult? You've never heard of "walking and chewing bubblegum"? You presented a binary solution, and walking and chewing bubblegum means we can do both. Your solution is LITERALLY to disengage with federal elections because they're "DA JOOZ!!!" Let's be clear, I'm all about rooting out Jews. You think ignoring them is the right solution. Brilliant.

Fucking dumbass, you're literally too fucking stupid to have this conversation with <---- here's your insult.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ahh yes, I also have to stop walking when I want to chew bubblegum.

So your solution on a federal level is.... Disengage? Lol

long_tetris_piece 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he is your last hope you think they will let him stay in power?

The chance that he stays in power is not mutually exclusive from him being our last hope, if he is. So the premise of your assumption is flawed and so is everything else that follows.

long_tetris_piece 1 point ago +3 / -2

So you are implying that the same Jews who pulled the covid hoax world wide and September 11th are unable to properly assassinate one man?

Where did I imply this?

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