ctrlshiftrightspace 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like what you said...It is true that khazarian mafia is in control of the world...

My plan too is that the West through ending the weaponization of the NGOs (money is speach, H1Bs), Gov't (Nato, fake elections, etc), fake "nations" of the west full miscegenation/dysgenics to have their sovereignty restored.

Russia may be the last nation to be put to the fire...China I won't either be put to the fire.

I like the khazarian mis-quote...when they took all the blacks, mexican, arabs, and jews...and you say...did you really get all the jews?

Burn it with fire...I agree with. Make the holocaust happen!

Obviously, people are not be happy with just getting the jews out of their country and their money system (burn their books...and forbid them from any position in any country)

Eliminating their millennium long control of money is essential. But, we will have to ask whether we have eliminated it everywhere like their miscegenation/dysgenics...in their dysgenic Olympic games (of the nations).

ctrlshiftrightspace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Essentially, the trust-worthy "American's" should accept (join) the BRICS system...and get out of this Jeckyl island "Fiat" war with China, Russia, (Israel --> Ukraine), Iran...yawn...these wars are pretty much what the shaw of Iran said in his interview w/ the late chris wallace (of 60 minutes.)

Or try to do a mixed bag solution (outside BRICS) which El Salvador and Argentina are doing.

America's financial system is the "Ukraine" that is trying to be captured!

ctrlshiftrightspace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get that people don't want the next monetary-system to be exactly like our current crypto-system

(The Jeckyll Island fractional loan lending system where the initial 30% of the fiat system went to the "Federal Reserve" founders and passed by a non-vote over the congressional Christmas break)

Gold and Silver can be sabotaged as it was in the making of the "Federal Reserve." Crypto may be corrupted in a different manner than Gold and Silver was at Jeckyll island. The corruption will be different depending upon whether Gov't accepts a private and centrally controlled crypto--exactly what we have now...or goes back to Gold and silver...

There is some win-win in de-fi (Decentralized finance) that is also lose-lose if we choose to reject it.

I would like to see X/Twitter or GameStop buy 51% of Visa...So that they GameStop or X/Twitter can issue their own "Visa" card (X/GameStop) and you can buy/sell using any De-Fi technology the consumer wants.

The De-fi just pays some gas fee to the X/Twitter and GameStop for the convenience.

Obviously...that could be the model the gov't runs on...that they get a portion of the fee's that happen in "America"...The Gov't can't force buy 51% of Visa and make it support all De-fi...But, the Gov't could make a De-fi card of it's own...

We don't want to repeat the Jeckyll Island system with De-fi.

ctrlshiftrightspace 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is known that you can't have anyone who believes in the "Talmud" allowed in Christian civilization. The Talmud is EXPLICITLY anti-Christian.

The whole of America and now Europe are adopting a universalism of human-values to adopt a permanent political minority - which is more dangerous than the "Stone Age" religion of Arabs.

The Bible does not mention the Pyramids however we can't yet even age the quarries in Egypt and how the pyramids where likely made from geo-polymers.

Natron Theory https://natrontheory.com/index.html

The Bible is like Yiddish (an old Hebrew alphabet that uses modern German words and languages of today)

We do not know the age of the Bible--the critical lynch-pin of the bible being a oral history of another people (possibly the original builders of the pyramids)

The Bible does not mention the pyramids'...which makes the Bible likely much much older. The names change like the number of months (13 to 12), the names of the months, and the days of the week. And, the mis-match of a 13 month lunar calendar to a 12 month solar calendar.

The wandering star, Saturn, or Ramphem is the "out of cycle" people of the jews (like the mis-match of a lunar-cycle calendar and a solar-based 12 month calendar...but a "Saternalia" out of cycle calendar.)

I do not believe he is trying to debug the Zodiac, the earth's precession (the 4% procession) of the earth, and the 2,000 year age and the 20,000 great age of the zodiac.

This debunking suffers many of the problems in the Graham Hancock interview with Flint Dibble. Joe Rogan Experience #2136 - Graham Hancock & Flint Dibble