bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nice arrow. May I ask you how the fuck you put it in the title? All these months out in TD.WIN we have been using the poor man's arrow (<--) !

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

The word conspiracy theory, incidentally, was coined by CIA to label anyone who questioned their official narrative of JFK's assassination.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Welcome to the red pill. Just take care not to become black pilled.

bubble_bursts 13 points ago +13 / -0

Its not hypnosis. Its far more simpler. Take this example. An ant is sitting on a chess board. It looks at the area around it and it sees white. It assumes its on a white surface. Another ant is on the same chess board, but its on a black square. It believes that its on a black surface.

Our reality is formed based on what we focus on. The "objective reality" as some people like to think of reality, its far more complex and massive than what a single person can comprehend (like a chess board and an ant). So we focus on certain parts of this objective reality. Depending on what we focus on, we build a "subjective reality" in our mind. As far as each person is concerned, their "subjective reality" is the reality for them.

We are like the ants on the chessboard. The MSM makes us focus on certain areas and there is a pattern to this focus. This pattern is based on their current propaganda goals. MSM also pushes this lie, that the subjective reality is the objective reality and everything else is a conspiracy theory.

When we understand the difference between subjective reality and objective reality, and accept that no one can ever fully comprehend the objective reality, we will start understanding why so many people behave like they have been hypnotised.

These are the ants, all gathered in a white tile, and been told that if they stray too far they will die, and then made to believe that the entire world is white.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Search for Europa the last battle on bitchute. I think its a 8 part video. Dont say I didnt warn you.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you are interested, dig into possible connection between Trump's grandfather and Edgar Hoover, and the formation of FBI. It seems Trump has had a long history of working undercover with government agencies to bring down the bad guys.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never used that tool, but my guess is there have a grey list and some silicon valley elite has added .win to that.

bubble_bursts 10 points ago +10 / -0

When a normie sub such as r/cooking finally has to find a new home, we will know that the circle is complete

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well he makes a good point but he never provides a viable alternative to a system without a form of government that does not involve the strong amongst the people destroying the weak. Sounds like a very elaborate round about way of pushing marxism.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is not even a conspiracy. If you lookup Frakfurt School, you will see they were openly peddling this for decades to push communism.

bubble_bursts 11 points ago +11 / -0

Same in India. People said fuck it to masks and lockdowns and just went about their business. Cases skyrocketed but very low fatalities - basically herd immunity.

But MSM now claims that Indians have extra immunity because they live in shitty environment. Cant make this stuff up :(

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +9 / -2

Just a friendly tip. Out on TDW there is constant trolls who keep posting stupid stuff about juice. No matter what the truth is, its always a trap bait. They want you to make some comments and then the MSM can parade it around claiming how hateful we are. My advice is not to fall for that.

bubble_bursts 9 points ago +9 / -0

Its good to know that now I dont have to step into the cesspool of reddit to drop you guys an occasional note :)

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