WinHereWinThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are a flea. But you're fun to play with.

Here I'll help wipe you out. Limp dick tactics used by you:

  1. accuse me of what I just said to you (being a shill)

  2. accuse me of not speaking English well. Lol I'm amazing at English (evidenced by my previous comment where I successfully used their/they're correctly, something a lot of idiots get wrong).

  3. I have a real job (pays well too), I just do posts like this as a community services here and there. I literally never think of lowlifes like you in my regular life.

  4. American politics are the most influential of all nations. So they do influence the "free world" whether you live in USA or elsewhere.

Here's some light reading for you...

renegade /ˈrɛnɪɡeɪd/

noun a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles. "an agent who later turns out to be a renegade"

Similar: traitor defector deserter turncoat betrayer

Opposite: follower

adjective having treacherously changed allegiance. "a renegade bodyguard"

Similar: treacherous traitorous disloyal perfidious treasonous rebel mutinous rebellious

Opposite: loyal faithful

Definitions from Oxford Languages

WinHereWinThere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try again, this time flex that pea-brain of yours to the max and read properly - "Renegade: a person who deserts and betrays an organisation, country or set of principles."

No wonder you're a shill loser who spends their life not even responding to what is originally said.

They're not sending their best folks.