StreetFight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here's a cobbling together of the 4D soul trap scheme. If anyone has anything to add or clarify, please do!

4D Soul Trap Gist: we are pure consciousness without any form who were deceived into coming here. There is a demon who traps souls and feeds off of their suffering and love in the matrix.

  1. When you die, you see darkness and then a white light.
  2. The light has loving frequencies and entities emanating 'love' (deceased relatives, Jesus, your pets, spirit guides, etc)
  3. Most people go into the light. There, they experience paradise for a while.
  4. Next, 'spirit guides'show them (sometimes fabricated) 'sins' they committed on earth.
  5. They are given the chance to return to earth to 'make up' for their past life crimes.

Rinse and repeat for all of eternity. In fact, the whole scheme is an energy extraction farm for something called 'Loosh'.

Here on earth, the 'elites' work in tandem with this scheme to push religion and desire.

Relevant terms:

Loosh: energy produced by human beings and animals that other entities use to feed on. https://pdfcoffee.com/far-journeys-the-mistery-of-loosh-pdf-free.html

Archon: technologically advanced extra-dimensional race

Archontic Deception Strategy socially engineer a culture of fear, dishonesty, and deception. https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Archontic_Deception_Strategy

Demiurge: the being that pretended to be god in the old testament. It is a negative, chaotic program that leads the Archonic Deception.

TLDR: the purpose of this life is to escape from the 3rd dimensional Matrix construct and "graduate" to the 4th and higher dimensions. We are 4th dimensional spirited beings trapped in a human body by an alien energy-farming scheme.