Or am I dreaming?

In the following link about online safety https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/08/online-abuse-artificial-intelligence-human-input

the writer claims...

This has resulted in the development of new slang, like child predators referring to “cheese pizza” 

  1. Reaction test: if they say jump will we say how high?
  2. Pharma grift: sell more useless vaccines
  3. Behavioral experiment: can they maintain fear state or have they lost control?
  4. Social engineering: i) turn traditional conservatives vs the alphabet group causing further social agitation and friction as distraction and ii) rekindle the victimization status of the alphabet group.
  5. Political experiment: maintain state control as obtained by previous plandemic (continuous states of emergencies)
  6. International grift: direct state funds to WHO & Co because nu virus and need for science
  7. Science distraction: divert attention from cohoax deep research to brand nu fashionable virus.
  8. Potential for further population control: if the mutated subvariant moneypox spreads without clinical signs or symptoms we start the cycle again.

all on Substack and not here.


...bounty hunter?

Like WTF bro?

Plus his nose may require a plastic surgeon...

PS: Apologies if this was well known, but it was new to me

Please peedict the 2024 pre US election event/s or false flags from Deep State.


Basically going against each political majority at the time to aggravate everyone with decisions on divisive issues that do not matter whereas the PTB keep digging underneath.

GG !


There are certain alt sites that will not alllow registration if you are on a public IP address or you use a VPN.

  1. Would you trust that?

  2. Is this what they call a honeypot?

  3. Why are they so interested in my IP address if they are so ALT?

  4. Funk that shit !

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