No, every word you said is bullshit. You’re the shill, the kind of person who relentlessly pushes disinformation to suit his imaginary agenda. Pizzagate isn’t real, the “border wall” had more to do with xenophobia and “muh jobs” than human trafficking, no “pedophile rings” were broken up and that Anthony Weiner laptop story is nonsense hearsay pushed by a partisan hack.
It’s 2021 and you still think Trump cares about this trash.
It’s like “impeaching” Trump, another dumb stunt that plays to the base while meaning absolutely jack shit in the grand scheme of things. I can’t believe anyone is still holding out hope that this election is going to be overturned.
No surprise that you're throwing around words that you clearly don't understand the meanings of. If you're referring to the fact that I've BTFO'd several antisemites on this site by offering factual rebuttals to their fabricated Talmud and Bible passages (that are somehow supposed to prove the innate evil of the Jewish people or whatever), then I certainly won't apologize for that.
You people love to pretend to be free speech warriors in pursuit of the truth, but when shown something that negates your prejudiced worldview, you do the usual thing of stomping your feet and screaming shill like a spoiled little child.
You are the liar. It's a classic projection and you're not smart enough to convincingly pull off.
A shill is anyone who disagrees with the right-wing echo chamber bullshit that gets passed off as “discourse” here, so being assigned that label by the midwits on this forum is mostly just a good joke.
How many friends do you have IRL? Be honest.
I enjoy conspiracy theories, but I hate partisan hack bullshit. Don’t be mad at me because I actually care about the truth.