Minuet -9 points ago +5 / -14

They’ll just carry on the same way they’re doing now. Mindlessly linking to tweets and “articles” that explain how the Democrats stole the election. Endless echo chamber circle jerk. Reality is completely subjective for these people, they’ll just be on their own trip for the foreseeable future.

Minuet -5 points ago +3 / -8

You might be the single dumbest person I've encountered in this "community," which is deeply impressive given the general level of intelligence around here. Let me guess who you voted for.

Minuet -5 points ago +3 / -8

Hey, little guy. No one here is whining except you. And If you weren't so stupid, then people wouldn't condescend to you. Are you at least smart enough to understand that?

Minuet -10 points ago +3 / -13

The mouthbreather who goes around calling people "faggots" and "jew fucks" is sad that someone talked down to him.

Minuet -13 points ago +5 / -18

Right, and do you hear anything that sounds like “THE EXACT OPPOSITE” of how the media is portraying the call? I certainly don’t.

And with communication skills like yours, I wouldn’t go around telling people what they talk like.

Minuet -7 points ago +2 / -9

I know facts (and to a greater extent, reality) are completely subjective to people like you, so discussions on matters such as these are usually finished before they even start. Snooze.

Minuet -4 points ago +7 / -11

Yawn. How much more of the bait and switch can you evangelical dipshits lap up this season? Why not just post the goods instead of the relentless tweeting?

Minuet -11 points ago +6 / -17

I think when you put #WWG1WGA in your bio, you’ve sabotaged your credibility for the foreseeable future. Lin Wood is a grade-A hack.

Minuet -23 points ago +8 / -31

Does that mean that I have to believe every single piece of disinformation that gets posted here and humor all the racists that you welcome with open arms?

You hacks will believe anything as long as it suits your partisan agenda. Every lie is a means to an end, there’s no accountability. It has absolutely nothing to do with a pursuit of truth. I’m actually interested in the truth. Imagine that.

Minuet -19 points ago +6 / -25

Why, so you can continue to live in your little fantasy land of MAGA nonsense? You either care about the truth or you peddle partisan horseshit. You can’t have it both ways. Your choice is obvious.

Minuet -22 points ago +8 / -30

Trash post, zero substance. The leaked audio is the opposite of how the media is portraying it but we can’t hear it, we just have to take Panda Tribune’s word for it.

Minuet -38 points ago +10 / -48

It’s called appealing to the lowest common denominators of the Q-adjacent, MAGA cultist crowd. It’s deeply irresponsible and totally desperate. Lin Wood is a hack.

Minuet -2 points ago +2 / -4

lol, more broken record shit. You people are so wrapped up in your oppression fantasies that you literally can’t fathom that the person rightfully calling you a fucking idiot is just a regular joe.

Minuet -3 points ago +4 / -7

Looking forward to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENING, as usual.

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