Hey there Feds.....did you budget get slashed?

Why do you suck so much lately? You have nothing but purely political hit pieces....it's like really really poor.....worse than any time prior...

Even the board is dying haha.

It's you guys talking to yourselves lmao.

It's so sad.


The easiest way to fight back against the globalist agenda is to return back to local.

We should be spending more time in our communities outside of our cars and out of our houses.

We should clean up our yards, our streets, parks, and playgrounds when we see litter.

We should start to buy from local bakeries, thrift stores, butchers, delis, and focus on community businesses such as barbers, boutiques, restaurants, and mom-pop main Street.

We should stop telling people they should be investing their money in stocks, but rather we should be spending it in our local cities building their economies and making them thrive.

Inflation is mostly housing or corporate related, and that is because of greed - either because they were heavily invested out lic companies who took your investments and caused whatever return you hoped you get to instead funnel your oppressors....

Stop ordering online from massive marketplaces unless you know the business is independent - the majority of the profits get sequestered by a handful of companies who then push out more and more businesses.

The local businesses are employing people who go to local establishments and who are the ones who become homeless when the work disappears....

Drugs are because the communities are poorly maintained, and rather than individually making small contributions to the greate whole....people expect the government to fix it.

Let's try to make a small difference.


Just a reminder. Despite the dark shit. God is still chilling, taking care and watering the plants.

Blessings to all, peace love, respect.

Sorting, paging, reloading, etc....sucks!!! Fix it!

Edit: Seems to be slightly better now. Perhaps this message heard or perhaps they were in the middle of a fix...but thanks. Paging works now.

And I am not getting 4 results back as a grand total so...might be fixed.

I have noticed that DuckDuckGo (uses Bing behind the scenes although this particular issue seems to be specific to DDG) is promoting pornography, incest, rape when you search innocuous subjects like video game, toys, and look for stuff which has nothing to do with porn or sex.

It will return only 40-50 results in some cases and 3-5 of them are porn when set to strict search results (which is supposed to hide the porn - and this isn't exactly subtle...).

Quote from listing for web search for "video game forums" - 18th result ie- second page of links:

"3D VR animation hentai video game Virt a Mate anime cartoon. Collection of giantes... 5:31. 97% Family cartoon gay porn cartoon 2:04. 86% Cartoon Gay Cartoon the Gardener 1:21. 100% Cartoon gay 11:13. 100% gay cartoon 4:20. 100% the best cartoon ever 7:31 ..."

This same thing happens on others when you use them, but DDG is really blatant lately, and google image search is especially egregious for this as well. Youtube as well (elsagate anyone??).

Heard some recent information which added some additional points which filled in some holes as possible motives for the structure and motives of the globalist agenda.

A TLDR would be Gattaca meets Repo the Genetic Opera meets Minority Report Meets 1984.

Depopulate, but before that - make them pay to live.

How? Get them hooked in drugs (trans / pharma / fentanyl) or get them tracked and sold and contained(ads) and get them fighting for war and entertainment.

Then you can "sell" them in different ways (advertising / drugs / war) and to top it off, they will be actively trying to sterilize through all sorts of means. This will done because they have already figured out most of the steps needed to grow chimaeras.

These chimaeras will be made to order and can be trained and given certain traits - allowing them to once again sell even at birth and "balance" their books with a collection of traits which will lead to certain habits.

Along the road they will tag, track, and monitor anyone who is organically born through permits, IDs, digital currencies, propaganda etc and then attempt to manipulate their actions that way.

The goal is for some group (medical elite?) who are aiming to control the biological basis for the society. This is one the Medical side. This is not ignoring to the other stuff related to things like the central banking stuff (though it is related) but I think they have different segments.

I saw a good explanation of the breakdown into a trifecta of subjects (possibly more such as 5) - Medical - Financial - Political

  • Medical covers drugs, pharma, health, medicine, trans, birthing, blood, etc

  • Financial covers money, banks, interest, insurance, gold, etc

  • Political covers politics, parties, legal, history, language, religion, etc

In theory they are all related together, but they have different priorities and are separated from one another such that they only know what is absolutely necessary between groups allowing them to remain ignorant when questioned and to protect the secrets. Each acts independently to some degree whilst aiming to provide guidance (probably absolute authority) over their regions of control.

As some further examples without going into them today - the war in ukraine, the war in afghanistan, iraq, soon to be iran, etc. is all related to the political elites and that faction, so even though they work with medical and financial - they have their own priorities which tend to be related to different components (war).

All together though, they seem to work for the main goal of controlling the entire population. The climate control stuff is not so much about the climate (it is but not completely) - the elite want the land for themselves (at least what we are told about) and since this is a finite amount that they are stewarding, they want to stop letting the average joe access anything beyond. So when they talk about climate change - they are talking about changing the climate to keep us in and allow them to explore the world outside for their own enjoyment, exploitation, etc.

I would assume that this triple structure is then below at least one or perhaps two more levels which act to coordinate them, but it could also be the top with just the triple structure much like our executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

I feel like all this is simplifying a lot still, but it feels like things are coming together.


There are lots of slightly varying accounts of missing islands, lost continents, and lands forgotten to time.

At the same time there are many theories which purport to suggest their existence as well as the explanation for numerous other phenomena such as megalithic sites in alignments and arrangements.

Religions all speak of various levels of chaos in the past, and most speak of most recently the great flood and some discuss how lands were destroyed etc.

Then you have flat Earth with its theories which stretch from completely made up to plausible and reasonable questions to ponder especially when it comes to the space flights, NASA etc.

Pole shifts etc need to be accounted for in the discussion as well for it's relatively common threads and discussion points that tie in.

Some Brought in architecture and tartarian stuff alongside others which also comes in with their own theories.

Most recently I was made aware of VoC and their explanation for the expanded world alongside crater earth which provide additional thoughts.

So putting that all together ....

Where are hidden land, please put any links you have and put forward any theories you like, because we know there are definitely some.

I recently tried to find some of the older content I had seen and was unable to relocate it (mostly related to grid alignments and historical math geomancy)


Canada is a wasteland right now....imported immigrants everywhere.....60% these days....maybe more...it's fucked.

The entire country is being decimated daily. The invasion has happened...

We don't need a real invasion... Trudeau fucked us...the country is done.

Not a city looks remotely like they did 10 years ago

Look at these projections....and keep in mind...they are the same practically as the last 10 years...



100k refugees......

100k family members (hello grandpa!!)

200k total without skills......

80k SKILLED workers....

220k..... miscellaneous....

Less than 20% are skilled......

I don't know why I bother, but I guess it's therapy in a way to at least attempt to make a point. This post is an attempt to explain once more but in different words what I see happening to this community.

When I say community, I refer to the loose collection of avatars and identities which congregate around a topic online. In this case it's anything to do with the greater 'conspiracy' space. This includes past, present, alternative, official, red/blue/black/white/grey pilled, and any stage of cryto/zoo/litho based stuff including but not limited UFO/UAPs, corruption, corporate whistleblowers, espionage, military or civilian, and otherwise.

There are many different places that you can go and some are more popular than others. Some are much more active, and some are more reactive to the news than others.

However, I feel like they are all quite hollowed out these days. It's like many of them died, retired, or have been controlled or sold out.

The number of unique threads these days is dwindling, and amongst the collection of different sites they are all beginning to show the same general content. Many of the times this is done through reposting the exact same articles or threads across all the sites at once. These are then flooded and promoted and take up the discussion and attention of the communities.

At other times, you will see the same kind of comments prolifically cast across the communities and all forming the general consensus. This is most noticeable if you visit a bunch of sites frequently enough (every other day at least) and you have been to many of these places (at least 5-6+ to compare) and you visit for a long enough time.

Most people will say it is because of MSM and it is, but it is also because these kinds of communities are the news....

This place....is a channel for 80% corporate/military/foreign/religious/etc control and less than 20% organic.

All the sites are. Every single website, forum, and mass social media group is.....

I don't know how to find anything original these days. It's like it's vanished. There is no single website that doesn't have these issues.

I have to on discords...same thing.

We like to talk about communism....but let's actually pause for a moment and consider that our minds are being made extremely communal.....

When was the last original post you saw on here that wasnt originally from another rehashed source??

I think almost everything is just a repost now.


This is dead internet theory but it's worse than that....it's dead culture


Jobs always get the front and center attention when it comes to foreign influence. Outsourcing in the 90's,00's and then automation, etc...

But we need to realise what actually makes the world what we 'think' of when we say the times are changing, things aren't what they used to be etc.

It's not jobs we did or don't anymore, albeit that is certainly a part of it...it's what those jobs used to do for our communities and our sense of country, state, city, town, farm, etc.

It's not the job itself, it was the cultures and the values and the people who we dealt with during the daily adventures, in the off hours, at the bars etc.

It's not the work, it's that we are losing out communities.

We wouldn't care if we replaced the jobs with ones which have a similar cultural influence, and probably would instead see it much like we do new tech gadgetry or convenient products.

But instead we are throwing out our values and importing completely different ones with people who have none of the same principles.

It's not the work, it values.


You can ask yourself why ...

And some fuckhead (the usuals) will jump in with retarded opinions....

But the truth is....this place is a marketing channel.

There are patterns in everything, but we tend to think we are better at spotting the hard to see ones and hence we are more critical.

Normally, we get an itch that cannot be scratched and it causes us to dig in and find the cause of the itch. This leads us to recognize the minute patterns Associated with the itch.

From there we may expand, throw out a bone, or do a deep dive. All conspiracy theories have started this way. This is necessary to first come up with the reasons for the theory in the first place.

If there is no pattern, no itch, nothing to raise a signal, then it goes by unnoticed.

Problem is that once you know that a signal can be trigger, you start wanting to get everyone itchy....

Hence you start a forum to bring people together and work at solving the conundrum.

So ... Question for those who are aware. Have you realised that there is a meta pattern. One which scratches the itch all the while causing another one to form in the process.

This is meta pattern, or the holistic Conspiracy theory - the one which ties these places together.

We have a tendency to fall into patterns when we are tricked into believing we can pre-empt then ourselves and predict....we can then form a pattern of failure to predict....or a pattern to succesfully predict....

This pattern is externally visible, but sometimes not to ourselves.

This forum, and frankly every single forum which caters to political ideas is forming the same systematic scratch and itch system. We have a circlejerk of our own faux patterns which we can scratch our itches with....but which are just self fulfilling and aren't the reach itch....

We are being fed patterns that will cause us to trigger desired outcomes....that is the purpose of the mainstreaming of the Conspiracy community.

For 5 years straight we (as in the critical thinkers and sceptics) as the main target.

I can tell you, that after one or two weeks of a hiatus that this place is 80% controlled (either directly or more likely....through these false itches and scratches).


I realised something recently. India has the strongest immigration program around the world. More Indians travel to foreign countries than any other group.

In the US they are highly successful and run top CEO and executive positions, they typically work in banking, tech and finance.

Why are they so prevalent? I heard rumors of banking families in India and Singapore

Are these bankers bigger than the Jews?


If they cannot live up to their purpose, ignore them completely like trash on the sidewalk (actually sometimes I put the trash in the bin) but the government is non-existent.

They are not a thing unless they are given voice by me....realise this. Only participate when it benefits you directly. All other actions are to be actively ignored, and they are to be given no thought.

They have nothing except what is given to them..they are useless unless they can help you. If they cannot. Ignore them completely.

Do not respond to them. The burden is on them, and they will do nothing because they can do nothong without real people.

To the true seekers out there, this is not aimed at you. This is just my reflection on 15+ years of following conspiracies online.

When I first got into conspiracies I was brought in through a collection of different sources. Some were hacker forums, some were AJ documentaries (not his radio show), then I started to look up forums, and read articles. This was when most were independent PHPBB variants and occasionally a post on 4chan would come up. Then I started to hear more about reddit, so I went into there looking around and back then it was still the wild west and almost anything goes was the mentality. So you could really post stuff and people would fork their own communities if they were popular enough and focus and drill down. Fast forward and we'll it's a cluster fuck of limited hangouts, circle jerks that never end anymore, and a completely watering down of most stuff. Including our community.

So this happened a few times...I think I left around the MeToo movement at first (2012?) And was getting tired of the constant fear porn, negativity and that sort. I then cam back to Reddit around 2014-2015 but it still was dying hard, and they seemed to be stuck on a lot of the oldies (9/11 etc) but seemed to have a lot more people and a lot more interest in BLM stuff. There was a lot of Black vs white tropes and fake stuff posting about it constantly....it was so tiresome that I stayed out and took another break almost immediately because of the quality problems.

Fast forward to 2017 and Trump has been hated constantly in the media, then I start to hear rumblings about how he is the 'savior' and lo and behold I start to see the well known Conspiracies such as pizza gate, satanism, etc get promulgated around media clips. I start to see people talking about Q and this movement....I look into it. Seems like a controlled op to me..or a system of profiteering from essentially crowd sourced data and providing nothing but odd riddles intermixed...

So I immediately assume it's a front. And leave it behind, but I started to notice that the Conspiracies in general were just not great...so I step back almost completely. I have a few people who keep tabs and they keep me informed without me having to do much, but then corona and it's suddenly all coming to a head.

Years and years of control culminating in the perfect information operation....they used the playbook of Ferguson - for Floyd...then you have the swing flu - for Corona....the Q anon for Trump and to counter any of the above issues.... Then you bundle it all up into the election year....and then swap the team (but dirty the waters) and keep the Q movement going....then use it against itself....and clean up your loose ends...then prepare for the swap back....but at this point the board is almost completely under control..

Our community was the target, they successfully used it in their operations over the past 10 years.... We have continued to make them succeed. It's too much at this point. I think I need another break....perhaps a permanent one.

I have learned a lot...but nothing has helped me except avoiding the vax....that I am thankful for...but I don't think it has helped me knowing the other stuff because it's never come with tips on applying the knowledge.

This community has never been about solutions....and I am. So am going somewhere where that kind of thinking is promoted and not side lined in favour of the latest fashion....

Sorry....but you gotta realise that we have made this problem partially.....this is our mess too. When you just share information with no intention of following througj...it's nothing more than talk and words....or worse some kind of operation.

Thanks, but so long for now. I am going to try and get off this place and find the light instead of wasting in the dark.

I'm sure the bright of us here can plainly see the cycles....but it's another thing to identify and label them.

Currentlu, we are entering a new cycle. The posts of the last few days are following a new fad....so let's take a moment, and acknowledge it ..

And maybe address the previous cycles this community has been through....since they are mostly non-organic...

To cut to the core of this post. I found some legit astrology chart readings lately and one was extremely accurate (kind of scary really) and it had it down to the hours and days and stuff.

Now it gets weird because I just found this and I have been using it for a couple weeks but it's been almost hitting everyday for a large part of the day.

It said I would be going on a bunch of dates and even specifically which might be one night only and it predicted 3 dates with 3 different women and days. Then it had the timing down of the first two dates. The first was initiated by the girl, the second was visiting the city for the last night before she left and just so happened to be a couple blocks from where I was at that very moment in the city (0.5% chance or less).

It also predicted family stuff and family member sickness and some work related stuff. Super crazy, but it's intrigued me to look into this more.

I have looked at a lot of these, and this set of sources I found are so much more accurate. They are also sourced from about 6 different places so you can compare the opinions and sometimes there are differences but a lot of them are very similar despite being totally different websites so they are referring to some common source of knowledge.

Where is the source of this knowledge that they have learned from and why is it so accurate?


I also looked at a couple of days in my past which were life altering...and it said they would be life altering.

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