MentisWave 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I put emphasis on Global death. Using chemtrails for weather modification as you point out isn't even a conspiracy theory but a verified tactic that was employed in Vietnam. It's the idea that the Rich and Powerful are trying to murder the planet by poisoning the atmosphere where things become highly unlikely.

MentisWave 1 point ago +1 / -0

Decided to share this with you guys to see if the win conspiracy community has any issue with my reasoning here.

TL;DR - This isn't meant to be a video about debunking conspiracies or promoting them, just how to take a more rational approach to them.

MentisWave 1 point ago +1 / -0

More people should watch NTD and read Epoch. They aren't perfect and have their bias just like everyone else, but the only thing they ever lobbied for that I could find was to have a bigger Chinese New Year party. Other media publications and partisan "Fact"-checkers regularly slander NTD purely out of spite for the fact that NTD refuses to be a part of their corrupt circlejerk.

MentisWave 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's basically my point in a way. People here think that our media is somehow better than state media organizations like RT, but in reality it's quite clearly not when you just follow the money.

MentisWave 2 points ago +2 / -0

Simple video detailing the corrupt relationships and conflicts of interest between the US media and US congress.

MentisWave 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right, there does. I'll probably make more of these in the future whenever I see the MSM put their foot on the gaslighting pedal hard enough to annoy me, but it won't be a "regular" thing. Of course, if it encourages other people to make similar quality takedowns of MSM that would be great. Part of the reason I decided to start making this kind of content is to encourage more people who are outside the cult of woke/"listen and believe" crowd to speak up and be more rational against the endless stream of nonsense.

MentisWave 3 points ago +3 / -0

Saw this shit on ABC, had to make a refutation of it. The lies were just too much.