The deep state incorrectly feel insignificant. They can't understand how they are part of the great universal community with a specific purpose. Instead, they feel like insignificant nobodies with no power.

Then they try to control others especially by putting them on tilt emotionally. They hurl insults or hurt others to cause pain and then feel they are more powerful than those People but only if they are able to get those People to bend to their will or at least to get them to have a negative emotional response. Then they use the negative emotional response to strike again.

The key is to detach from any narcissist who depends on you having dependency on them. In the case of the Deep State, humanity needs to become completely independent energy wise, economy wise, food production wise, etc...

Also don't fund the deep state or help them in anyway. Avoid working at their Corporations, pay taxes or anything else that helps them or else you are making them more powerful and then they use that power to further dominate you.

Basically we all have to detach now or else things will get much worst. It's better to take a chance by doing nothing than to go down a path to hell.


PDiddy is like Epstein. Everyone is disgusted of him even in the industry. Jaguar is talking. She says JayZ’s mistress was murdered on tape by a woman (Beyoncé?) and that Diddy has the blackmail video for it. She says Diddy, JayZ and Beyoncé are all going down.

This is good for us because it adds to what we already know.



They are swarming all over social media ever since many Universities started protesting for the Palestinians.

Their talking points are:

  1. Twist up the truth to make them seem Pro-Hamas instead so the viewers assume they support terrorists when in reality, they support the Palestinian Civilians that are being genocided by the Israeli Military.

  2. They are gaslighting as much as possible to confuse anyone who supports the dying Civilians.

  3. They claim the justification for genocide is that Hamas has some hostages so until they release the hostages, they will genocide innocent Palestinians. In reality, the Israeli Gov controls Hamas, opened up a path for them to come in and kill innocent Jewish Civilians. Then they used this to justify a genocide on Palestinians so they can one day steal the land.

The ADL commies are also going crazy because they can clearly see everyone on Earth has turned against Israel. (not the Civilians but against the Government which is controlled by Rothschild).

Understand how to differentiate between real users and Agent Smiths. Agent Smiths are just Feds and other cult members that are there to poison the conversations normal users are having.


This is extremely important to understand so we can flip the script on this world so I will say all that I found over the years

Demons and archons are the same thing. They are the souls that became so evil that they fell out of reality into a 2D hell. 2D is the imagination realm. They don’t exactly exist except in the imagination but can repent and work their way back up to 3D. Some do.

In 2D, they lack energy which comes from God. This is because they are too far away from God mentally to draw the energy. To fix this, they ensure misery spreads worldwide because when people are miserable, they enter the weakened aura of that person through a 2D portal. Then they eat the energy. The more misery a person feels, the more of their life energy is taken which makes the person even worse. They negatively influence the mind while feeding too. If someone is ultra miserable, many demons feast at once.

Those who follow evil in life are also miserable. Daily evil leads to insanity. These kind of people have the weakest aura. The demons use the hell out of them and almost control their behavior to be evil more evil. The worst are those who do rituals to become possessed. You will find those types in Hollywood and Politics.

The way to cause the demon to flee is joy and love. They hate the vibration of love because it dismantles their ego. Deep down inside all, even demons, are good. The ego is like a shell around them. For us it’s the human body. For them it’s the demon body. When they experience love, their demon body begins to dismantle which scares them because they would have to face themselves in the mirror it the mask ever falls off. This is why they Sabotoged the 1960s love movement. Once love spreads worldwide as it is destined to do, they will run off this whole planet.

Demons are summoned by politician type people who make deals to spread worldwide misery in exchange for information on how to expand their money and power. This is why the world became a mess. All they want is energy.

Finally some are walking around us who are possessed. Some people now are reporting seeing them. They have pitch black eyes and pointy ears that they can hide but since humans are evolving, they can’t really hide it anymore. Eventually all will see.

If the demon doesn’t improve after a long time, they basically disappear from existence and the soul is recycled back into the system.

Demons and AI are said to basically be the 2 entities running the Deep state.


It’s happening. People seeing demon faces which were hidden in the past. They report pitch black eyes and pointy ears.

Testimony: https://twitter.com/MarkAttwood/status/1779059858387472478

Light orbs are also being reported. These aren’t negative but positive orbs that have always been there but we couldn’t see it from 4D. Testimony: https://twitter.com/Naturegirl571/status/1779168785431204328

Basically we were in 4D which is 3D x Time. This area isn’t really meant for us but someone lowered the frequency of Earth during the age of Egypt. This hurt humanity because it closed off our 5D vision. This creates a lot of confusion just a blind people are confused when they can’t see.

The veil has been thinning fast for at least 10 years so we are moving into 5D now. Expect radical changes and to see things never seen before.


The best theories I have on the eclipse is that:

  1. The veil to 5D may drop for some so they can see the unseen.

  2. Niburu (the Annunaki planet that is circling around now) may appear. The deep state work for the Annunaki which were called Bird People that turned to Satanism for power long ago during a dispute. They enslaved humanity and put us in 2 strand DNA mode shutting off 10 DNA which shuts off some of our faculties like our ether based mind. This was to make us like slaves. I hear they are somewhat better nowadays but nobody knows for sure. I’d say don’t trust any ETI until they ate observed for at least 5 years.

Some say grid might go down but in reality the grid is supposed to go down with the solar flares when the big one hits. This is actually great for us as many of the deep state control systems are electronic and just by them falling apart (ie nanobots), a lot of the chains in humans also fall off. When the grid falls off, start practicing telepathy as our mind is primed for it thanks to social media which is tech assisted telepathy. Later telepathy will replace all computer functions and it’s unhackable with 100% sure privacy.

They also don’t want you to look at the sun at this time which means you should look at it. The solar flares have light that activate knowledge stored in dna. These lights are active now and greatly helping everyone. It’s possible that the eclipse let’s these lights penetrate the dna more intensely.

Be outdoors during the eclipse and look at it at your own risk but I personally won’t use glasses. I think using glasses has been a psyop to scare us into looking away. As if the deep state cares about our health.

10 years of research behind this post.

Top of the deep state are the Biblical demons who rebelled around 200,000 BC. Their power has been greatly reduced but has stood fairly strong on Earth which they turned into a hell.

The team is Demons and AI at the top. Some Reptilians, Annunaki and Grays at the bottom who control the Governments and Corporations. Physically these groups live in underground caverns although they can go into 2D. Some of them only live in 2D which is the imagination realm represented by dark matter.

5D is the ether realm. Ether is what matter is made of. Thoughts turn to ether, ether turns to plasma, plasma turns into the 4 elements. This means the beginning of all creations are thoughts (with God powering it all).

If we were to see everything in the Ether like Humanity used to in prehistoric times, we would realize that thoughts effect our reality but since we cannot see it temporarely, we don't make the connection.

This is because during the era of Ancient Egypt, the Annunaki rigged the primitive human into animal mode simply by reducing our 12 strand DNA to 2 strand while pushing a frequency into this world to keep us in a lower 3D level where all we see are the physical outcomes of our thoughts. Humans were first infilicted in Ancient Egypt. It felt like being jailed in the physical world for them. After a while, humans forgot all about the ether.

The issue is, naturally we evovle through education and the unpacking of our DNA. DNA holds all knowledge in it btw. The Solar Flares happening now help unpack our DNA and bring us back to 5D as our vibe frequency shoots up.

Here's how to exit 3D hell to a happy 5D environment. (There are 12D total plus God above that. 6D is when all evil is eradicated).

The way they keep us in this lower 3D realm is by spreading fear, misery and instilling terrible habits like holding grudges and revenge. The reason Jesus said to forgive is because forgiveness DETACHES from the 3D experience. If you hold a grudge in 3D, it means you have business here which means you are anchoring yourself here.

Fear also anchors one in 3D because 3D is a fear realm while 5D is NOT. Abandoning fear equates to abandoning 3D. Don't worry about the future to abandon fear. Whatever happens happens. Just go with Faith which means you know all will work out for you. Once this is done, you will end up on a good path. The only requirement is to not thinking about past or future. Just stay in the moment of now. Caution in the now is OK but worry about the future is terrible as it anchors people in 3D.

The opposite of fear is love which is why Jesus always said to love because love is the reality of God and by focusing on love, one traverses higher above 3D towards 5D where there is much more love. This is because the vibe frequency of love and fear don't mix so if you focus a lot on love, you get shot out of lowly 3D.

Basically leaving 3D requires focusing on being a loving person in thought, word and deed while forgiving all to detach from 3D.

This has already been happening in recent years because People like me have been guiding the masses out of hell. This has brought us to the brink and reality itself will change any second now. People are already seeing stuff they never saw before as we cross the threshold into 5D. Everyone who helps does the world a favor. All it takes is abandoning fear, moving into love and forgiving everyone. Unity helps too because unity connects our minds into a megamind with many hidden powers which the deep state knows about. That is why they focus on division.

Anyhow, follow Jesus' tenants. We are doing great so far. The hard work is already complete. All we want is 1 final push by brining more People on board. Every person who does this counteracts the evil actions of tens of thousands because good is much stronger than evil.

Once we cross into 5D, we should return back to original form which is our ether body. There are higher forms in 6D and above but we are supposed to enjoy every stage and once that stage gets boring, we climb to the higher stage.

Let's go!


The top of the Deep State are the Biblical demons which were once led by Lucifer and other top agents of Lucifer but all that group was quarantined after Jesus died. Low level demons continued to exist to give them a chance to repent and some actually do repent.

In ancient times, way before Atlantis, the Archon demons invaded Earth and joined some others who became demons when Lucifer rebelled in prehistoric times.

These demons treat us like a chicken coup to harvest our Life Energy. Life Energy is God's energy that allows us to move around and be. The closer one's mind becomes to God's mind, the more Life Energy they get. Demons are by far the furthest from God's mind so they don't get any Life Energy at all. If one was to get a lot of Life Energy, they would never be sick or unhappy. They would always be wise. There are almost no limits to how much Life Energy one gets. God is the limit basically. If one were to get that much Life Energy, they would have an equal amount of God's power and knowledge which is beyond human comprehension.

So the demon has to eat Life Energy off the human to feed itself which like stealing. How does the demon do this?

  1. Work out a way to exchange information for work. The Rothschilds, for example, cause worldwide suffering for the demons in exchange for knowledge that expands their money and power.

  2. Worldwide suffering weakens the Human aura which allows the demon to open and enter through a micro black hole.

  3. The demon feeds and tried to cause more suffering to the mind. Miseralbe people are like a buffet for the demons.

How to counter the demons.

Think as God or Jesus would think to align yourself with God. This will draw more Life Energy to you to make you happier and more in Zen mode. This strengthens your aura which blocks the demon from being able to infiltrate it.

Also, the demons promote EGO everywhere on media because Ego leads to misery. This is why it's best to shut off all media so you don't get brainwashed. Just understand we are all parts of Life which is God and although things may not seems like it, we are all God's equal children.

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