Rothschild has been trying to dominate the World since 1776 when he, the Jesuits and Jacob Frank invented the Illuminati.

When the News spoke about him, he bought out the news.

When the masses spoke about him, his agents created the antisemitism scam so that anyone who ever speaks about Jewish World Domination is called an antisemite which often scares People into not wanting to be seen as a racist. Rothschild himself ordered the Holocaust and then used it to further his antisemetism psyop.

So the bottom line is that Rothschild is behind the NWO goals and he wants it all. He doesn't want anyone talking about this. All negative things we see in Politics and Corporations is Rotshchild trying to dominate the World.

The Deep State are prepping up a psyop to fool People into Raelism which is worship of aliens like Ra who is an Annunaki Prince.

Whoever understand the long history behind this can't be fooled so here it is in a big nutshell.

197,000 BC - Lucifer's ego gets too big so he rebels and tries to claim himself as God. Lucifer is just another ETI but somewhat more advanced and aged than Humans. Satan, Baal, Abaddon, "the Devil" all join his rebellion. 1/3 of the angels from the Battalion of Belzebub also join along with Belzebub. The philosophy was that selfishness and enslavement of others was the way to the top of Life Success. They turned out to be wrong later.

500,000 BC - 100 Nephalim Physical beings appear to guide primitive Humans from the caveman era to evolve as much as possible. The progress was very slow. By 200,000 BC, the Lucifer rebellion sucked 60 of the 100 Nephalim into the Rebellion. They lost immortal status and married Humans to pass on their DNA. The Immortal Nephalim used the Tree Of Life to stay immortal but the fruit didn't work on Humans. Only Nephalim. The Nephalim worked for a nonphysical entitiy who later became "the devil" and was Satan's manager on Earth. The other 50,000 nonphysical entities either left during the rebellion or joined it and became the fallen angels.

By 37,000 BC, the Lucifer rebellion died down which brough the 2 new prophets onto Earth named Adam and Eve. They lived on the East of the Mediteranian Sea where there was an island Pininsula called Garden Of Eden which was prepared by the good Nephalim for them. \

Humanity was ready to evolve to the next level since they overcame the terrible era of the Lucifer rebellion. Adam and Eve were immortals who ate form the Tree Of Life to stay immortal. Their job was to have children who's DNA would be passed to Humanity when their children married Humans and had kids. The "FORSAKEN FRUIT" was that they couldn't mate directly with Humans ever. If they did, the entire mission would collapse.

Satan and the dark side new the DNA would end their control of Earth so Satan tried to tell Adam that if he slept directly with Humans, Human progress would be much faster. Adam knew Satan was trying to trick him so he never paid attention so Satan then tried with Eve. Eve fell for it and mated with Kano. Kano had Cain who was a half breed. The entire mission failed. Adam/Eve children were all taken off Earth. Wars sprung up from fear. Adam was afraid they would take Eve from him so he mated with a Human Woman who lost the baby and died.

Adam and Eve were told they would not suffer serious consequences since their actions didn't have bad intentions but they did lose their immortality status and became regular humans who later died.

Later Aliens who had joined the dark side landed on Earth in 10,000 BC and claimed to be Gods. Many dumb humans believe them and got enslaved during the Egyptian and Babylonian era. These aliens included Ra, Enlil, Enki, Yawhwey, El and more. Note: Moses had to lie about God's name being Yawhey because the Hebrews had a hard time shifting to Monotheism but they did so because Moses told them that the 1 invisible God's name is Yawhey. He also said Yawhey would punish them if they didn't shift to monotheism which worked. The world used to worship many aliens who were simply tricking Humans and they themselves worshiped Lucifer. They demanded Human sacrifices form Humans. They enslaved Humans and were driven off. These Annunaki are bird People but their counterpart, the Reptilians, look like Reptiles.

Now the Niburu planet Annunaki live on is back. The deep state are praying that Humans fall for their trickery and end up worshiping these false idols like they did in 10,000 BC before driving them off Earth.

The reason the Bible messed up the book of Genesis is because the Hebrews wrote about it in 500 BC and it happened in 37,500 BC. They had no written records but only memories to write about.

The Annunaki also injected Humans with some DNA altering substance to block 10 of the 12 DNA which blocked our vision outside of the physical reality space. We are evolving those 10 DNA now but it took a long time for it to happen. They claim to have made Humans but what they did was ruin humans.

All of the Satanic deep state worship Ra, Lucifer, Baal, Baphoment and Moloch mostly. These Bible says even Satan appears as an Angel Of Light. How else can he fool us if he appears as the devil?

Cain, the half breed, was actually being bullied by Adam for ruining Earth. He would often say if it wasn't for Cain's birth, Earth would have been saved. Cain lost it one day and killed him for bullying him constantly.

Finally the Hebrews who wrote the Book Of Genesis lied about Adam and Eve being the first humans because they wanted to bury the history before them which was the Lucifer era. It was so horrible that they didn't even want the memory of it to exist anymore.

Now you know so when the shills try to brainwash you to worship Ra or whoever, you will know it's all a trick.


Stop wasting time with distractions and talk about how you are going to save the World from the Rothschild's grip.


I have always told People that the heroes of this story are a united People worldwide but they wanted to wait and see if Politicians would save us first. They didn't so now we have to take our own responsibilities in our hands. There is a way to beat them in Spiritual Warfare that is very easy to do and it would lead to their demise. In fact, that is probably how this story ends. Basically, when the People unite, we gain power. You will see what I mean. It's LOTS of power. All it takes is uniting like family. 2nd, you put your foot down and say no to anything that doesn't serve you and the People's self interests such as taxes. Many already stopped paying. Then as the corrupt institutions fall, build new honest ones. Finally, never rely on a Politician again. Only rely on each other through 100% voluntary assistant of each other just as a family does.

Believe it or not, this is a Spiritual War. The dark side knows how it works but they love that we the People are mostly ignorant about it. Winning on the Spiritual/Psychological front means victory in the physical front as well. It's like setting off dominoes that eventually lead to victory. Those dominoes are already in effect but the next domino is for the People to be responsible enough to unite and save the World hands on starting with fixing food, water and shelter needs worldwide. Then do plumbing and energy. Then keep building up until we turn this whole planet into a wealthy, thriving, happy place. This is basically guaranteed to happen now because the dominoes are already falling. I am just trying to push them down faster. The dark side even know they probably lost but are afraid of losing it all so they are trying to hang on. Everything they post on TV from politics to the news is all fake. Ignore all that. What I am saying is what's real.

Ra is an Annunaki Prince who worships Satan and in fact, has had a personal relationship with Satan. You can say he ranks pretty high. He is from that planet Niburu that is near Earth and many of the deep state human sacrifices are in honor of him.

The psyop is to trick people that he is the Sun in alien form and that he is a good person that should be worshiped. If that psyop works, they will make it a legal obligation to worship Ra which includes conducted Human Sacrifices to him. This is if you all let things get that far which I doubt you will.

Anyway, thought I'd give a heads up.

Hmm (media.scored.co)
posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex

Archons are Biblical demons. They are a group of beings that have devolved to the worst possible levels. When it cross a certain point, they are removed from the universe altogether as has happened with the original Archons like Lucifer, Satan, etc.. while the remaining ones are given a chance to repent and believe it or not, they occasionally repent. All it takes is realizing that one's own ways does not lead to winning. Only God's ways lead to long term winning and God's law is summarized by Love.

The universe is merely a simulated event. The body is an illusion as is the brain on that body. The soul is real but it is in a sleeping type mode within the body. Think of an M&M with a nut in it. The nut is the soul. The chocolate on top is the body. Now imaging that the Nut is eternal but can try on different body suits (egos) like being human, an animal, an ETI, or even a plant or atom. When the body dies, it's gone for good but the perfect soul within lives on.

The perfection of the soul is so deeply buried inside humans that humans aren't quite able to shine since the best parts of being anything comes from the perfect soul.

The body can be far or close from the soul. The closer the body gets, the more one evolves to higher, better places. The further it gets, the more hellish one's life becomes.

The Archons have figured out how to distance the Human Soul from the Body and this is how they do it:

  1. Nonstop traumatizing media creates fear. Fear is not of the Soul since the Soul is of Love so the Soul distances itself from the body.

  2. Nonstop financial issues create more fear and limit one's ability to have time to reflect and process experiences.

  3. Poisons in the food, water, air, medicine cause insanity making it hard to be Spiritual.

All 3 of these can be completely avoided. The Soul loves silence so being in silent meditation helps a ton. Jesus actually meditated all the time but as we all know by now, the deep state has altered the Bible in many different parts to manipulate Humanity.

Those who put in the work required to reconnect to their soul experience much more winning, excitement, meaning in life, and internal power that stems from God. Then they become a pillar of light in their community and goodness spreads all around them to other people and to the people they know.

The key is to avoid the poisons. Turn off the TV. Eat organic. Drink filtered watered. Don't take chemical pills. Then think, speak and do good all the time. Good deeds in particular fire up the soul which is why giving money to the homeless makes People feel so good. The soul is what feels good. The soul doesn't like stuff like Corporate slave jobs or fighting or negativity so stay away from all that.

As you rekindle your soul, your happiness, power and meaning in life improves plus you improve the lives of all those around you and all they know without saying a word. As the soul reconnects, God's own energy (Life Energy) builds up around you. That energy is what heals others. It is also vitally important to keep the heart open to all People and Life forms at all times because this releases the Love of God in the World. We are the conduits to God's Love. Those who unnaturally keep their hearts shut suffer from many mental problems in the end since all that energy gets clogged up in the pipeline. Opening the heart is natural.

Humans are a very young species and we are here on Earth to offset the evil that once dominated this planet in the Lucifer Rebellion. The Lucifer story only spans 40 planets. Some assume Lucifer is a permanent fixture in Life which isn't true at all. He was simply another being that rebelled against God. There are very few rebellions against God (3 in the history of our local universe). These top Archons were removed and tried to plead with Jesus on the mountaintop to maintain their freedom in a restricted way but it was time to quarantine these groups except of the lower echelon of Archons who are given a chance to repent.

The key is for 5% of Humanity to rekindle their soul because that will trigger the 100th monkey effect to cause the majority of the World to do the same. This 100th monkey effect also happens in small areas like a Country or even a neighborhood but overall, the whole World will experience it if 5% do it. Many are already doing this. Jesus gave the instructions which are Love, Forgiveness, Unity & Faith. These 4 concepts are Salvation itself. They create a positive future when applied instead of using anger, attack, etc...

We need to revolutionize this Planet. The pain we feel is actually pushing us in that direction. The pain will continue to increase until we do this. Although harsh, Humans have spent far to long being nuetral and this neutrality has caused a slow and steady decline so the pain is for our own good. Although the pain stems from the archons and their middle men in the deep state, they were allowed to do it without intervention in hopes Humanity would be forced to evolve ourselves. It actually works in the long run.

Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Learn the tricks of the devil and you can easily work your way around them if you are willing. The benefits are amazing. Ignore what the World wants and what they tell you. Just listen to the ultimate Shepard (God) who is within the Soul itself. You may not hear or see God and that is because the Soul is so far from you but you can work your way back to God to enjoy the many benefits of being with God.

This whole thing is a Spiritual War and one last secret: It's all a simulated battle between good and evil. Good is rigged to win but the time it takes to win is up to us. We can delay it indefinitely but then we would just continue to suffer.

Lastly, when Humans suffer, the Archons feed on our Life Energy by entering through black hole portals from the 2nd dimension into the 3rd and leeching off our Life Energy which weakens us even further. The most miserable humans are like a Buffet for the Archons who surround them constantly feeding negative energies into their mind to keep them miserable. The aura is impenetrable when a person is in a state of joy, love, etc.. which is another reason to stay this way. Then God's Life energy, which is dripping into our body from our distant soul, stays with us further improving us. The Archons have gone so far from their own soul that they don't get any Life Energy at all so they have been leeching from us. Their favorite event are wars since wars create so much suffering and so much Life Energy can be absorbed. They live in the 2nd dimension which is a lower dimension where our imagination and thoughts, dreams, etc.. occur.

This is the bottom line. All of the Deep State are just middle men.

When confused in life, just "Do as Jesus would do" and follow his tenants in every thought, word and deed. If you all want to save the World, this is the way.


The deep state cult are very worried about the spiritual awakening of humanity. Silence and inward contemplation lead people to finding their soul and becoming “reborn” in Spirit which makes them better people with certain psychic powers like heightened intuition and the ability to detect bullshit on the spot. The bullshit detector alerts them of all deep state trickery so that they don’t fall for it. If the deep state can’t trick you, they can’t control you and they cannot trick reborn people. Many confused being reborn as being baptized but it’s much more than just that.

To counter humanity’s awakening, they poisoned the food, water, air and medicine but that only slowed us down. They also use many distraction including nonstop advertising calls, texts, 8 hour work days, traffick, long wait times and more to distract people from their inner self. Luckily many dug deeper during Covid when they had all that extra time.

Once the threshold is crossed (it is basically there now), the deep state lose their grip over humanity once and for all. This is a domino effect that has begun and will spread more and faster worldwide.

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