LADYpedeeee45 10 points ago +10 / -0

Possible especially after Lin Wood's tweet implying Epstein is not in fact dead. However, I'm SICK OF WAITING for the left to get in trouble for ANY CRIME they commit. Clintons get away with murder after murder after murder. I hate to say this, but I've lost faith any justice will come to any of those evil evil people.

LADYpedeeee45 4 points ago +4 / -0

have you heard about the navy pilots video ? Apparently they filmed a craft coming out of the ocean and going straight up into the air. Joe Rogan was talking about it with a guest INSTANTLY got my ocean alien wheels turning!! the posibilities are endless down there.

LADYpedeeee45 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is one of my FAVORITE topics! ... What goes on in Antartica? Is there really bases under all that ice? I've seen so many documentaries talking about Underground bases all over the place. CNN ( SHIT- i know- but hear me out) just posted an article about how President Trump knows all about the aliens & the underground alien /astronaut base on MARS. That he wants to declassify but the government thinks the world can't handle it. They don't hide ALL information anymore, they release it and just don't talk about it. How about the navy videos of the triangle craft flying OUT OF THE OCEAN and straight up into space. Have we REALLY explored the ocean??? the answer is no. no we have not.