Korynne 1 point ago +1 / -0

So interesting. As a kid, I couldn't fully comprehend this at the time. But, the big thing was the teacher dying. Kids that young (especially girls) adore teachers and they had made a huge deal about her beforehand. We learned all about her and the teachers at school were so excited. That whole piece of it greatly strengthens the effect, if it were a psyop.

I'm kind of face blind, are the faces in this video really very similar. They seem so to me, but I confuse people all the time.

Korynne 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw it IRL when I was 6. It is on my list of shocking childhood moments, but it's pretty low on the list.

This video gave me extreme anxiety though. Not sure if that's normal, or if it's because I was one of those kids.