Justsomeguy1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I won’t answer a list of questions you copy and pasted off the internet? You have no idea the amount of time and effort it would take to answer all of those thoroughly, and then to have you just call me a Jewish shill? No thanks.

Justsomeguy1776 0 points ago +1 / -1

Or maybe there are people out there with a different opinion than you! I know it’s scary!

Justsomeguy1776 1 point ago +2 / -1

You have made a fundamental mistake in assuming all or even most flat earthers are convinced the earth is flat due to the Bible.

Justsomeguy1776 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s amusing to me that on a forum full of people that understand the ones that control our world are mostly Jewish, synagogue of satan, insert your favorite term, but they are such fervent supporters of their globe hoax, given to us by the people they profess to hate. Most don’t even do any real research or experiments, they just assume ‘ignorant bible reader’ and move on. Maybe it’s not funny, maybe it’s actually sad.

Justsomeguy1776 0 points ago +5 / -5

It is when you are wrong and ill-formed. You are putting it in a showcase for everyone to see. You can’t support your points. Enough said.

Justsomeguy1776 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can’t just declare no one believes me because you don’t. I don’t care who believes me, I made it clear you couldn’t support your point, mission accomplished. Go back to reading Jewish textbooks and spreading misinformation.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s called terrain. You know, the opaque ground?

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

All you can do is ad hominem attacks. You got destroyed in a debate and lash out like a toddler. I’m not Jewish at all, you are the one taking the word from all the Jewish controlled scientists. Learn to do your own research and not just regurgitate what your controllers told you.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am far from a paid shill. I am just a dude that saw you bullying someone and decided to see what you knew. Turns out you are just a bully. Big surprise.

Justsomeguy1776 3 points ago +5 / -2

Horizon rises to your eye level, key word being level. Looking up isn’t looking at something in a level manner, is it?

Justsomeguy1776 1 point ago +4 / -3

lol, you are ignorant and angry. Must be miserable.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol, you are so angry because all you can do is quote someone who you have never met, based on experiments you have never done, never actually doing any real work yourself. You are lazy and ignorant. That’s ok, though. You can believe what you want. Also, I never said the earth was flat for sure. What I said was that an appeal to authority to the controlled scientists of our society does not equal proof the earth is round, and that there was more evidence it was flat via observable facts that you can prove yourself for less than $1,000. Do some actual experiments and research.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can’t just say ‘you are wrong’. You are being intellectually dishonest and assuming that the science you were taught is all 100% fact and not manipulated in any way, like the size and location of the sun. That’s on you. Ignorance is bliss.

Justsomeguy1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because he has been indoctrinated and propagandized into it without realizing it. If he actually examined the opinion of a ‘flat earthier’ with an open mind, he would at least understand why they feel that way and not just call them retarded. There is more evidence the earth is flat than round. That is indisputable, at least, in my opinion based on experiments and research I have done. Reading a story in a ‘text book’ that was written by the people the seek to enslave us and taking it to heart like it’s obviously the truth is ill-advised.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it does not. It proves only that the sun is far enough away that you cannot see it over top of the terrain and atmosphere in front of you

Justsomeguy1776 0 points ago +5 / -5

Propaganda and indoctrination. Literally that’s it.

Edit: I’m actually a lurker too. I literally made this account today because of the ridiculous vitriol against the guy replying here with his honest opinion about the shape of the earth.

Justsomeguy1776 0 points ago +3 / -3

I don’t have to do calculations in a piece of paper to prove an observable fact. Essentially, the further something is from you, the shorter it is from your perspective. This means that something that is actually much shorter than the object further off can and does block the object from the bottom up. The same goes for the sun. On a flat plane, like a long road for example, everything in the distance, both above the horizon and below collapses into a line to create the horizon. It’s a function of distance from the observable object, not the shape of the earth. I have actually done experiments to prove this with binoculars and a camera. What have you done besides sit there and think I am stupid?

Justsomeguy1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

You did call it. All he can do is appeal to authority and call you names. He hasn’t actually examined the flat earth theory to know enough to have an opinion. He is a sheep. I am not saying the earth is flat for sure, all I’m saying is there isn’t any proof is is round besides what we have been told by the ‘professionals’. Tallestski hasn’t done any actual research or experiments himself, and it shows in his weak arguments.

Justsomeguy1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry for the double comment, I replied to the wrong thread. He is right. The sun disappears due to the laws of perspective. The fact it disappears over the horizon proves neither that it is flat or round. Same goes for ships disappearing over the horizon on the sea. You need a different example to prove him wrong.

Justsomeguy1776 3 points ago +5 / -2

He is right. The sun disappears due to the laws of perspective. The fact it disappears over the horizon proves neither that it is flat or round. Same goes for ships disappearing over the horizon on the sea. You need a different example to prove him wrong.