JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +2 / -1

Stop worshiping fallen man

Oh, like Jesus? 🤣😂

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny the Allies didn't liberate it after the war, either. What kind of deal split Germany then? General Patton said he could have taken Berlin had he been allowed.

You know Poland started the war, right?

So who really lost?

Hitler lost so must have been wrong

I swear you must be a kike.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you retarded or just pushing an agenda? Hitler reclaimed lands of Poland that were formerly Germany not 20 years prior. The cause of the war was jew controlled France and England declaring war upon Germany despite having no interest in either. Russia was ALSO under jewish control so the whole thing was organized. It was Poland that instigated the war.

Poland was genociding the Germans in Danzig and Hitler gave ample warning before going in. The camps were labor camps for treasonous traitors trying to undermine Germany, and oy vey they made us work! They also had theaters, swimming pools, and a nursery for newborns.


JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Japanese did the same thing to justify their sins (atrocities) against other groups.

This is a jewish lie. You're saying races don't have a right to their own lands and if they act against another group, they're considered "atrocities". Jews can kill 66 million in Russia, and 20 million in China - but you only affix your blame on whites...

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one said they can't exist, they should have their own countries and stay there is all. I think you'd be shocked to learn Jesus and Hitler have a lot in common. Hitler didn't want to be looked at as a religious icon, but it's turning into that because so many people are realizing he was right. The jews hate and fear him as much as Jesus.

He truly was the second coming of Christ. 🙏

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just pointing out that there's sub human species, look no further than South Africa.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's funny is you are doing exactly what the Jews do.

Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing, this creates confusion and will keep them scrambling

  • (((Karl Marx)))

Who do you think is pushing anti White agenda? That's the (((Richard Kalergi))) Plan. They want to breed us out via race mixing to create a one world race just smart enough to work, yet too stupid to rise up against them.

And useful idiots like you, help them.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

The poorest white communities are safer than the richest black communities.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

You act like race doesn't exist, there's no difference, yet you can't wait to talk about low IQ Whites. Therein lies your prejudice.

If you actually wanted to make a difference on the religious plane, you'd have to acknowledge that other races partake in sin more than others.

Especially jews.

JosephGoebbels5 3 points ago +4 / -1

It goes back to the leaked Podesta emails communicating with Marina Abromovic, the world renown satanist. It's a ritual in which they harm themselves and "eat the pain".

Pizzagate shit.

JosephGoebbels5 6 points ago +6 / -0

Something like spirit cooking.

JosephGoebbels5 8 points ago +8 / -0

Maybe it was more of a ritual.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because muh other races r' so smrt

You do realize Hitler was teaching the benefits of National Socialism to blacks in North Africa, right?

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +3 / -1

News flash: Racism is a Marxist construct, communist in nature designed to divide and conquer. And oh look, Karl Marx was a jew.

Being against Hitler and homogeneous society is to be literally the anti Christ.


JosephGoebbels5 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are the epitome of the term Christ Cuck. And I fucking hate that term. It's sellouts like you who blasphemize Him by working for the enemy.

Why does the Pope wear a yarmulke? Why does he kiss the feet of Jews? Why does he go to them for "spiritual guidance" ?

Because he's a sellout just like you. Hitler embodied Christ and did His work. If you get sick, you kill off the parasite causing it.

JosephGoebbels5 3 points ago +4 / -1

Your English is terrible, Schlomo. It only took the entire world to stop him.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +2 / -1

The white race has always been the most successful. Blacks never even invented a cup till the white man showed them.

Hitler was the second coming of Christ

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