I_lurk_u_long_time 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this link. I had some trouble tracking down what the quoted guy is responding to. It appears Dr. Bridle cited a Japanese biodistribution study to support the claim that 0.3 micrograms of spike protein was found outside the injection site.

There's a lot I don't know about this study, and I can only find partial copies. A data table I found shows they injected rats with 50 micrograms of [^3H]-08-A01-C0. After 48 hours roughly half was in the liver, half was still in the injection site, and ~0.3 micrograms was in other locations.

The Japanese government approved emergency use, so this appears at least acceptable by their standards. I don't know what the chemical injected is, or the details of the tracking methodology used.

If I learn more, or get the full study, I'll update. I would actually expect more spike protein than the 0.3 micrograms if they're injecting lipid and mRNA, and that much of it is getting out of the injection site. My understanding so far is the AP used a moronic "expert", and there remain concerns about the unknown effects of the vaccine, including to specific organs and functions.

I_lurk_u_long_time 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're commenting on a link to an article saying 44 unvaccinated people and 70 partial/fully vaccinated people died after a positive identification of the Delta stain in the UK. If it's just vaccine injuries, why are the spike protein mutations published? Why is the sequence available on GISAID's database?

I have never read or heard anything suggesting the spike protein produced by getting the vaccine was meant to be localized. A major reason for the small droplet size (that slowed early production under Trump, and is still the limiting factor) was to increase the spread through the body. If you have a source, I'll read it.

I_lurk_u_long_time 2 points ago +4 / -2

This is the result of spurious correlation. Old people got the vax. Old people are being hospitalized more. Getting the vax didn't make them vulnerable, being old did.

Look at the second table over 50 numbers in that article - 80% of people over 50 with delta were vaccinated, but only 55% of hospitalizations for over 50 were.