Half_alive 4 points ago +4 / -0

And it’s shit heads from California who will complain that it takes 2 gorillion gallons of water to generate 1 pound of beef. Fuck you I live in the Midwest where it rains 1/3 days in the year.

Half_alive 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe you missed the pet where he disavowed all the cucked republicans after the election fiasco. Everyone on the show has a stupid nickname, remember not gay Jared? It’s always been his thing. Stop pretending he’s changed or sold out. He’s funnier now than he ever was because he doesn’t give a shit about the censorious left anymore.

Half_alive 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s a fucking comedian. It just so happens that all of our news content right now is a tragic comedy, and telling actual jokes is slowly becoming illegal. You should check him out again now that Dave Landau is a permanent part of the show, he and crowder play very well off eachother