FudgyFudgeBots 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has been carefully planned and in the works for decades. They have managed to infiltrate the education system so the next generation will be compliant. They infiltrated the financial system so you will either comply or not be able to buy and sell. They infiltrated the media so this next generation will be fully indoctrinated. They infiltrated big business which will also affect your ability to buy and sell.

Do you really think they spent decades planning this only to have it fail because of a few people who will resist? When you answer your door and theres 10 guns pointed at your face, what are you going to do?

I would have never thought pastors would be arrested for holding church services, men would be allowed in womens restrooms, men would be allowed to play womens sports, people would be fired from their jobs for having an opinion...and the list goes on. Only a fool would think their plans will fail. They havent failed yet.