FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, you’re seriously going to mindlessly repeat the mainstream narrative on Russia’s intentions?

If Russia wanted to wipe Ukraine off the map or take over the entire country they would have done it in less than 6 months. They’ve been fighting in an extremely reserved fashion, while the Nazi Azovs have been committing war crime after war crime.

Ukraine deserves to get absorbed by Russia anyway. The majority of its citizens would see a massive improvement due to no longer being slaves to the globalists.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The war could also end immediately by Ukraine not being a bunch a fascists who abused the people of Donetsk for years. And by not being the single greatest cesspool of corruption and money laundering in Europe. And by not having bioweapon labs.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh hey, I just found some stats showing that Saudi Arabia has administered 66 million vaccines. There goes both of our points about Muslims not liking vaccines. It’s almost like you can’t judge people based on what group they’re in!


Muslims act more like Christians than Christians do? That’s hard to do when Muslims don’t accept the NT and deny the deity of Christ. They also like to enslave people, rape them, and murder them. Don’t believe me? Go to the Middle East and see how long you last there compared to America.

Again, you’re taking entire groups of people and painting them with a large brush to make them what you want them to be. You have a preconception of entire religions in your mind that you won’t let go of.

No long winded answers? That was when you were asking for answers from the Bible. Then you asked for my opinion, and I gave it to you. You’re the one who wants other people to give you easy answers so that you don’t have to think for yourself. These are complex issues and topics that require nuanced and careful thought. It’s not my fault I’ve put in that work and you haven’t.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I literally just gave you examples of things we are doing, then you turn around and accuse me of doing nothing? Confirms my suspicions you don’t want solutions to govt corruption, you just want an excuse to go on a violent rampage.

Not all Christians are aware of the dangers of the vaxx, unfortunately many of them have been deceived like the rest of the world. By “we” I meant like minded people on GAW, PDW, and NNN. Your example of Muslim countries not taking the jab stems primarily from their innate hatred of the West, not any actual intellectual reasons, they just happen to be accidentally correct in this case.

Your monologue on name stealing makes no sense whatsoever.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

How exactly do you want Christians to put fraudulent preachers in their place? Frauds still have the right to say what they want to say; you can’t imprison them or shut them for saying things that are against the Bible. “Christians” don’t put up with these people, many believers publicly point out what’s wrong with these frauds and discourage people from following them. You’re painting “Christians” with a very large brush, as if they’re one homogenous group that are all supposed to act the same way.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic church is not why the Bible is ingrained in Western Civilization. Their teachings have contradicted and usurped the Bible since at least the third or fourth century, and they prohibited the common man from reading the Bible for themselves so they wouldn't figure out the Catholics were (and are) lying to them. The Roman Catholic church is a corrupt political entity masquerading as a religion. The Bible is ingrained in Western Civilization because ordinary people defied the Catholics by printing the Bible in common languages for everyone to read for themselves.

As for your comments accusing us of doing nothing in the face of evil, let me ask you this: what would you have us do that would actually do any good? Reading through the rest of your comments you almost sound like someone who's looking for an excuse to take up arms and start shooting people. Do the people who pushed the jab deserve death? Undoubtedly. Does that mean that it's expedient for us to do it right now? No. Taking up arms at this point wouldn't accomplish anything except fuel the Leftist narrative of "violent extremist right-wingers" and tarnish the reputations of good people who want to see actual justice done.

We're not "doing nothing and waiting on God". Yes, we are praying that God works to remove the evil and corruption in our nation, but that doesn't mean we're sitting around and doing nothing in the meantime.

We're educating people about the death jabs, pushing back against MSM, and pointing out the falsehoods and contradictions in their propaganda. This is slowly waking people up; more are aware now of the death jabs than ever before.

We're redpilling people about all the corruption and ineptitude that the govt displays, and the current administration gives us redpilling opportunities on a silver platter every day, if not every hour. More people are aware of and frustrated with our government's corruption every day.

We're mobilizing people to vote, and participate in the voting process as poll workers and watchers, and exposing election fraud wherever we find it. More people are aware of election fraud than ever before, more people are galvanized to vote than ever before, which will overwhelm any efforts to cheat.

If you're looking for a quick fix to the current situation, you're not going to find it. It took decades for us to get to where we are now, and it's going to take a long time and lots of effort to get back out. We have the momentum, so there's no need to despair, but we have a long way to go. Preach the truth. Expose evil. Educate people. Encourage them to get involved with their local governments and elections as much as possible. Do what you can with the resources and influence you have.

Maybe instead of us waiting on God to do His will, God is waiting on us to do what He wants us to do, then He will work through our efforts to bring about His will.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Joel Osteen and people like him can claim the title of pastor as much as they want. Their teachings and actions directly contradict the Bible. Paul himself said that if he himself were to teach any other message than the gospel of Christ, that he should be cast out of the church and accursed.

I agree that there are way too many fake preachers and fake Christians out there, but the solution is to read the Bible say that you know what it says for yourself, then find preachers and churches that faithfully follow the Bible themselves. They're out there, trust me.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK, a lot to unpack here.

Turn off the clickbait conspiraporn because it defies God since you're waiting on Him to do something...

Subscribing to conspiracy theories and "waiting on God" are not mutually exclusive. God is not only perfectly capable of using ordinary people to accomplish His will, it's His primary way of operating in the world. If, for example, Q is right that there is a group of good guys working together to stop tyrannical governments, and these good guys end up being successful, then that's how God chose to work. (spoiler alert; Q is legit)

This idea of human action being incompatible with relying on God is related to the phenomenon of people being confused when Christians give thanks to God for a successful surgery; instead of, you know, thanking the surgeon. Christians realize that without God the surgeon wouldn't have the intelligence to pursue surgery in the first place. Furthermore, any doctor or surgeon has a hundred stories of patients who were goners for sure... who then "miraculously" recovered. That right there is God using individual people plus a touch of His own power to accomplish what humans alone could not. It's a matter of whether or not you can perceive God working.

God empowers the state... so you should get vaxxed... God put them there to rule over you

Another common misconception. Let's look at what the Bible says:

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." Romans 13:1-7

This is the passage that most people turn to to argue that God says we should always submit to whatever governments tell us to do. Yet this is not what the passage says; note that it defines rulers as those who are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Logically, then, any government that promotes evil and punishes good is not a minister of God and not a legitimate ruler. But let's say this argument doesn't work for you. Even then this doesn't mean I should get vaxxed, because Big Tech, Big Pharma, and MSM are not the government. They're in bed with the government for sure, but they can't make law, they are not legislative bodies, therefore even with current law I don't have to "listen to their advice and get vaxxed". Obeying law and listening to someone's advice are not the same thing.

But let's say that tomorrow Congress passed a law mandating that everyone get vaxxed. I still don't have to obey what they say. Why? Because in America there is a power higher than Congress, the SC, and the President: The Constitution. This document makes it abundantly clear that our current government does not have the authority to do the tenth of what it's doing right now; it's operating well outside it's bounds. Throw in the fact that the current admin rigs and steal elections, and civil disobedience is not only biblical but constitutional as well. And it should go without saying that the Bible is a higher authority than the Constitution as well, so if the government mandated that I do something against God's Word then I have the right and duty as a Christian to refuse.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, prophets don’t exist anymore, God stopped using them when Christ came to earth. Apostles likewise weren’t a thing after the early church got established. The only church officers established in the NT are pastors and deacons.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

“You say that as if you are an authority on God”

No, he’s just applying logic to what the Bible says. The Bible says that believers go to heaven after their death, and unbelievers go to hell. Given that hell is a lot worse than this life, which is in turn a lot worse than heaven, his statement makes perfect sense. It’s just written poetically.

FlySciFiGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prophets of God (the legit ones) only speak from God when God tells them to speak. They don’t speak of their own accord.

God is not pleased when the wicked rule, but He also punishes them and removes them from power on His timetable, not ours.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Israel had been conquered and oppressed by a foreign king, who had a general named Sisera. A prophet of God told one of the judges of Israel to fight against Sisera. The judge won the battle and Sisera fled, hiding in a random woman’s tent. This random woman pretended to take him in and hide him from the Israelites, the after Sisera fell asleep, she drove a tent stake through his head.