EyesToSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven’t been dizzy, but I’ve been very depressed for a week now, which is out of character for me.

EyesToSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The support for the vaccine made me extremely suspicious and I still am. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

EyesToSee 5 points ago +6 / -1

I’m in the same boat as you. I didn’t realize how much MSM brainwashed me until this year. I saw how horrible the Democrat leaders really were and I started to support Trump. I realized all the hate for him was not organic and I never seen anything like that before.

Since I am an independent researching truth seeker I have my suspicions about him as well. Did they even think he would win? Maybe they thought Hillary would 100% win? I’m not sure. I just know for so long I believed red and blue were just a different side of the same coin. Then I started to wonder if that belief was a psyop, especially after watching Yrui’s interview about ideological subversion and how they infiltrate through the left. Then I started to research Cho communism and it made my suspicions grow.

If Trump was placed here as a pawn, then his role would be the scapegoat, and the outcome would be division against the left and everyone else. You can’t even question official narratives without being called an idiot trumper racist. Even if he was for the people, the MSM made this the outcome anyway. They took so many things he said and done out of context. I can’t tell, but I still support Trump way more than Biden.

EyesToSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was watching a court hearing and one of the democrats said “this was the most secure election in history!” Then he said it’s harmful for democracy to spread conspiracy theories. It’s all crazy as hell and We are in the middle of a communist insurrection, the United coup-de-states of America. We got infiltrated a looonng time ago and now we clearly see that the CCP has infiltrated so many parts of America. Our morals are slowly fading away, our freedom and anything that resembles America. History is being rewritten, children are being taught to hate our founding fathers, racism is being instilled into young people, and segregation is coming back. Clown world. I want to part of it. Those who can see will always be mocked, just like Platos Cave.

EyesToSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it’s a nightmare and it’s painfully obvious that they are shills. My favorite is when they resort to intimidation and name calling while ignoring information you provide.