Here's a longer video I made regarding Blood Passovers from a Catholic perspective, where I get into more details:
Here's a video I made going over Blood Passovers in less than 13 minutes, if you want a really quick summary.
Pope Benedict XIV validated the reality of Blood Passovers for Catholics in his papal bull, Beatus Andreas, in 1755:
The Blood Passover of Bl. Andreas of Rinn was recorded in The Judenstein, written by the German folklorists, The Brothers Grimm:
This is an interview a Jewess had on Oprah in 1989, where she admits that Blood Passovers have continued into our times.
And here's yet a third documentary on Blood Passovers that I highly recommend watching (you obviously don't have time to watch all of these today) and that's okay. Just wanting to share on St. Simon of Trent day!
Here's another documentary on Blood Passovers that I highly recommend!
In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, The Prioress's Tale is about Blood Passover martyrdom, and in the last verse Chaucer mentions Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, an actual Blood Passover martyr:
Unfortunately, all we really have regarding proof of the Blood Passover of St. Robert of Bury comes from this snippet of historian Jocelin of Brakelond, who referenced the now extinct book "Book of the Miracles of St. Robert":
Here's a couple good sources on the Blood Passover martyrdom of St. William of Norwich, who's Feast Day is this coming Wednesday:
One of the earliest accounts of a Blood Passover was recorded by historian Socrates Scholasticus in the Fourth Century, who reported the Blood Passover took place shortly after the violent Jewish uprising happened in Alexandria that caused St. Cyril to expel the Jews:
Here's a fantastic documentary on Blood Passovers:
Here's a picture I took from my copy of Butler's Lives of The Saints (printed pre-Vatican II) that talks about St. Simon of Trent and St. William of Norwich:
Here's links to descriptions of the Blood Passover Saints mentioned in this song:
He is God - the God-Man. And His man nature was born in Bethlehem, Judea, to a Mother of the tribe of Judah, a foster father of the tribe of Judah, and He had a circumcision, preached in the Temple and synagogues, and was the King of the Jews. So I rebuke you back if you deny this. God bless!
It's not a theory... I am speaking fact.
I don't have time to give you a more authoritative source but here is a Wikipedia article on how the Pharisees that escaped Jerusalem after its destruction in 70 AD created Rabbinical Judaism:
Look at the footnotes for more authoritative sources.
Heck, do a Google search and you will find several Jewish websites that talk about the history of Judaism and they openly admit that Rabbinical Judaism was created by Pharisees....
This is not even a controversial point to make. It's just hard, easily provable fact.
The Didache, Clement of Rome, Epistle of Barnabas, The Shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp, Papias of Hierapolis, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Cyprian, Aphrahat, and many others... All writings or writers that reference the New Testament and Jesus before the Council of Nicaea in 325.
Regarding non-Christian writers or writings that reference the historical Jesus, we have Josephus, Tacitus, Celsus, and the Mishnah, to name a few...
Well, MANY other writers, Christian and non, were referencing the New Testament books before the Council of Nicaea in the 4th Century, so that's wrong, and non-Christians writers, like Josephus, even acknowledged that the historical Jesus existed... I would recommend you study history more. God bless!
He's wrong. The Rabbinical Jews that exist today are the descendants of the Pharisees. It's easy to see if you study the history. Sounds like this guy didn't.
True, but since I have been permabanned off YouTube (I've tried to make new accounts, and they somehow ban me, even though I have a VPN and everything) Rumble and Bitchute are probably the best video hosting sites I can use to reach more people.
Thanks! God bless!
I can play instruments and sing, and have been in several bands and choirs. The problem is that writing and producing songs takes A LONG TIME. I have played in multiple bands and have participated in the writing, practicing, rehearsing, recording, producing, and mastering parts of song creation, and it takes hours and hours and at least $100s per song for the whole process (and this is for poor bands with no label representation). That's why I have to disagree with you here. Writing songs via AI is much quicker and inexpensive and a breath of fresh air, if your purpose is to create propaganda, like mine it. I think of it this way: If I wanted to create great works of art, musically, then yes, the organic process is the way to go. But essentially what I am doing with the AI music is creating musical memes, not brilliant works of art, and since memes are supposed to be quickly, efficiently generated pieces of propaganda, I see the AI music as a VERY useful tool to create musical propaganda that can be used against the Judeo-Freemasonic establishment. Hopefully, this makes sense. God bless!
And I will wrap up my lesson today with another song that a friend wrote, called "Ballad of Saint Simon of Trent". Happy St. Simon of Trent Day, everybody!