The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood on one of the final pillars carved and they preserved the site by burying it. Possibly by Enoch prophesying.
The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood and they preserved the site by burying it. Possibly by Enoch prophesying.
The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood and they preserved the site by burying it. Possibly by Enoch prophesying.
Pillar 43 I think, the final part built before buried.
The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood and they preserved the site by burying it. Possibly by Enoch prophesying.
The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood and they preserved the site by burying it. Possibly by Enoch prophesying.
The images carved at Gobleki Tepe may contain an ancient prophecy of a coming global flood and they preserved the site by burying it.