Whatever. You had to sell out to trannies and faggots like Scott Pressler to "win" your election. Top donors to trump are jews and his cabinet are the most Zionist jew loving suckups man can find. What is Mike huckabee going to do? Tell Netanyahu no? Lol c/TheZOGnald for the real truth about Zion Don.
For example
Trump's Transition Team Leader Is A Synagogue of Satan Anti-Christ Inbred Jew Billionaire Investment Banker Named (((Howard Lutnick))) https://communities.win/c/thezognald/p/199hSf5wXa/trumps-transition-team-leader-is/c
When are you gullible fools going to learn? With jews you lose.
Whatever. You had to sell out to trannies and faggots like Scott Pressler to "win" your election. Top donors to trump are jews and his cabinet are the most Zionist jew loving suckups man can find. What is Mike huckabee going to do? Tell Netanyahu no? Lol c/TheZOGnald for the real truth about Zion Don.
For example
Trump's Transition Team Leader Is A Synagogue of Satan Anti-Christ Inbred Jew Billionaire Investment Banker Named (((Howard Lutnick))) https://communities.win/c/thezognald/p/199hSf5wXa/trumps-transition-team-leader-is/c