He's not based and it is a psy op. He's a degenerate muslim cuck peddling Islam in the west just like Tate and the rest of the manosphere, which was created, or at least was infiltrated by the agencies.
Just because someone calls out the jews doesn't make them based. They're using the rising normie discontent against the ethnostate as a leverage to prop up Islam which is equally bad and satanic (and I'd say more dangerous today due to the sheer number of immigrants) than the tribe. Same old tired dialectics and false dichotomies. Isn't it weird that the only thing the so called alt-left and alt-right agree on is that jews are bad, while living in parallel realities on every other issue? That's a huge red flag.
He's not based and it is a psy op. He's a muslim cuck peddling Islam in the west just like Tate and the rest of the manosphere, which was created, or at least was infiltrated by the agencies.
Just because someone calls out the jews doesn't make them based. They're using the rising normie discontent against the ethnostate as a leverage to prop up Islam which is equally bad and satanic (and I'd say more dangerous today due to the sheer number of immigrants) than the tribe. Same old tired dialectics and false dichotomies. Isn't it weird that the only thing the so called alt-left and alt-right agree on is that jews are bad, while living in parallel realities on every other issue? That's a huge red flag.
He's not based and it is a psy op. He's a muslim cuck peddling Islam in the west just like Tate and the rest of the manosphere, which was created, or at least was infiltrated by the agencies.
Just because someone calls out the jews doesn't make them based. They're using the rising normie discontent against the ethnostate as a leverage to prop up Islam which is equally bad and satanic (and I'd say more dangerous today due to the sheer number of immigrants) than the tribe. Isn't it weird that the only thing the so called alt-left and alt-right agree on is that jews are bad, while living in parallel realities on every other issue? That's a huge red flag.