"We live in a simulation or maybe some type of computer, possibly inter dimensional reptilians are communicating with humans through emerald tablets"
Yeah totally bro I think that might be it, like if you think about it would make sense.
"I think we live on a stationary plane instead of a globe"
BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SERIOS??! YOU'RE ONe of those flat earthers smh!! Bro thinks we live on a pancake in space lmaoo, don't fall off the Edge! 🫵🤣🤣🤣.
"We live in a simulation or maybe some type of computer, possibly inter dimensional reptilians are communicating with humans through emerald tablets"
Yeah totally bro I think that might be it, like if you think about it would make sense.
"I think we live on a stationary plane instead of a globe"
BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SERIOS??! YOU'RE ONe of those flat earthers smh!! Bro thinks we live on a pancake in space lmaoo, don't fall of the Edge! 🫵🤣🤣🤣.
"We live in a simulation or maybe some type of computer, possibly inter dimensional reptilians are communicating with humans through emerald tablets"
Yeah totally bro I think that night be it, like if you think about it would make sense.
"I think we live on a stationary plane instead of a globe"
BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SERIOS??! YOU'RE ONe of those flat earthers smh!! Bro thinks we live on a pancake in space lmaoo, don't fall of the Edge! 🫵🤣🤣🤣.
"We live in a simulation or maybe some type of computer, possibly inter dimensional reptilians are communicating with humans through emerald tablets"
Yeah totally bro I think that night be it, like if you think about it would make sense.
"I think we live on a stationary plane instead of a globe"
BRO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SERIOS??! YOU'RE ONe of those flat earth era smh!! Bro thinks we live on a pancake in space lmaoo, don't fall of the Edge! 🫵🤣🤣🤣.