Then how about you stay in Russia and stop trying to make your neighbours Russian?
We are staying in Russia. For now. And what we are doing on our own territory is not your, or your bosses fucking business.
There's a reason why they all hate you.
We don't give a fuck what inbreed perverts from Western elites and aristocracies think about us and so western sheeple forced to think too. Why should we? Name me a single fucking reason. All that "king charlies", potuses, whatever swedish/danish/dutch "kings", eu bureaucrats and oligarchs are noone and nobody for us. And all their delusions just could not have any sense at all.
We tried to play nice with that arrogant and ignorant filth just a decade ago, but looks like they just can't drop their aristocratic delusions. So fuck them. We don't need them to exist, they can't offer anything we need.
Meanwhile, do you understand that "ukraine" literally mean "outskirts" in any slavic language?
Then how about you stay in Russia and stop trying to make your neighbours Russian?
We are staying in Russia. For now. And what we are doing on our own territory is not your, or your bosses fucking business.
There's a reason why they all hate you.
We don't give a fuck what inbreed perverts from Western elites and aristocracies think about us and so western sheeple forced to think too. Why should we? Name me a single fucking reason. All that "king charies", potuses, whatever swedish/danish/dutch "kings", eu bureaucrats and oligarchs are noone and nobody for us. And all their delusions just could not have any sense at all.
We tried to play nice with that arrogant and ignorant filth just a decade ago, but looks like they just can't drop their aristocratic delusions. So fuck them. We don't need them to exist, they can't offer anything we need.
Meanwhile, do you understand that "ukraine" literally mean "outskirts" in any slavic language?