Yet they reject Christ as their messiah. Also He was Hebrew and had nothing to do with Talmudic rabbinical Judaism (Oral Torah) that jews follow. Modern day jews (ashkenazi) come from the Khazarian khaganate and are ethnically turkic. They have nothing to do with the hebrews of the Bible. This is Adam Green level of stupidity and ignorance.
Yet they reject Christ as their messiah. Also He was Hebrew and had nothing to do with Talmudic rabbinical Judaism (Oral Torah) that jews follow. Adam Green level of stupidity and ignorance.
Yet they reject Christ as their messiah. Also He was Hebrew and had nothing to do with Talmudic rabbinical Judaism (Oral Torah) that jews follow. Adam Green level of stupidity.
Yet they reject Christ as their messiah. Also He was Hebrew and had nothing to do with Talmudic rabbinical Judaism that jews follow. Adam Green level of stupidity.