a self-perpetuating entity (AI)
How is artifice self perpetuating? What's the "self" of artifice?
no one
How could nothing be one? How could one be nothing?
directing it's actions
Action directs reactions. Action cannot be directed, since it implies direct-ION aka directing action.
Ones consent to "no one"..."no human person"..."don't actually" convolute ones way of thinking with suggested nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing).
goals that don't actually make sense
Enacting origin generates reacting senses...suggested outcomes (goals) tempt one to ignore perceivable origin.
black rock
Alternating (to rock) ignorance (black)...
a self-perpetuating entity (AI)
How is artifice self perpetuating? What's the "self" of artifice?
no one
How could nothing be one? How could one be nothing?
directing it's actions
Action directs reactions. Action cannot be directed, since it implies direct-ION aka directing action.
Ones consent to "no one"..."no human person"..."don't actually" convolute ones way of thinking with nihil-ism (Latin nihilo; nothing).
goals that don't actually make sense
Enacting origin generates reacting senses...suggested outcomes (goals) tempt one to ignore perceivable origin.
black rock
Alternating (to rock) ignorance (black)...