I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you, and who's main argument was to imply guilt by association.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal organization with 100% Italian members, it's just a conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, and political changes. Some jews were involved at some point and imprinted their race onto all of those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you, and who's main argument was to imply guilt by association.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, and political changes. Some jews were involved at some point and imprinted their race onto all of those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you, and who's main argument was to imply guilt by association.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, and political changes. Some jews were involved at some point and imprinted their race onto all of those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, and political changes. Some jews were involved at some point and imprinted their race onto all of those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, and political changes. Some jews were involved at some point and imprinted their race onto all those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to each and every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, political developments. Some jews were involved somewhere and imprinted their race onto all those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide me for not fully responding to every point written in them.
That is actually incredibly dishonest and bad faith.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, political developments. Some jews were involved somewhere and imprinted their race onto all those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide for me not fully responding to them.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, political developments. Some jews were involved somewhere and imprinted their race onto all those events.
It's literally just based on double standards not applied to any other race.
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide for me not fully responding to them.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, political developments. Some jews were involved somewhere and imprinted their race onto all those events.
It's literally just based on double standards....
I pasted a chapter of a book about WWI and it logically starts with the assassination of Franz Joseph.
Well that explains why what I read contained absolutely no relevant answers to my question... Because it wasn't written in response to my question at all, and instead you just lazily grabbed some random ass text tangentially related to the topic, written by someone who agrees with you.
So let's just be clear here.... If you can not even take the time to write your own responses then you are in no position to chide for me not fully responding to them.
A bank run by jews maybe?
Ok.... I think I get it now.
If white people run a bank, it's not a "white bank", it's just a bank. But when jews run a bank it's a "jewish bank".
Kind of like how when Italians have a criminal conspiracy with 100% Italian members, it's just a regular ol' conspiracy.
Yet when bolsheviks have 90% jewish membership (citation needed) it becomes a "jewish conspiracy".
So I guess the rule is that jews seem to imprint their race onto anything they are involved with and those things become jewish as a result.
And that is the basis of claiming jews are behind 400 years of historical events, wars, conspiracies, political developments.
It's literally just based on double standards....