Or to simplify my point....
When you get into specifics it stops sounding like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a jewish conspiracy to serve jewish interests, and starts sounding more like it was a conspiracy for Serbian nationalism and communist interests, done by a jew.
Seems like the concept of a jewish conspiracy evaporates when generalities are no longer used, and events are described in specific terms.
Or at the very least it's laid bare that a "jewish conspiracy" is broadly defined as any conspiracy involving any jew.
Or to simplify my point....
When you get into specifics it stops sounding like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a jewish conspiracy to serve jewish interests, and starts sounding more like it was a conspiracy for Serbian nationalism and communist interests done by a jew.
Seems like the concept of a jewish conspiracy evaporates when generalities are no longer used, and events are described in specific terms.
Or at the very least it's laid bare that a "jewish conspiracy" is broadly defined as any conspiracy involving any jew.