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Re: read the writings of the Early Church Fathers against the heretics and gnostics would you do that?

Already did that. In fact, a lot of those fathers later became 'heretics' to the orthodoxy. They now are accused of being 'tainted' by gnostic ideas. Interesting that they were the messenger, not the other way around. The gnostic element of Judea was eliminated by mass murder at Massada and later eliminated from formation of the Roman Catholic Church by assassination at the Council of Nicea.

I now have no need for either 'side' of their arguments as they are misrepresented in the first place. The 'winners' by hook get to define the argument and answers both.

A 'borrowed' cult religion by definition. You can deny but it doesn't matter.

Who are these 'The gnostics'?

Gnosis of what? There are 'black' and 'white' understandings.

They too, oppose each other. The white wizards vs the warlocks. Both at 40k.

I claim no membership to any club because one vessel can't hold the ocean it swims in. Gnosis is a stage of development, a higher understanding than agnosis masquerading as 'belief'.

Two sides until conjoined:

Isis is feminine principle - in opposition to its counterpart

Ra is masculine principle - In opposition to its counterpart.

Conjoined as One is EL or Is-ra-el.

And so, Q as Divine Inspiration, 17, as only some KNOW, says "Saving Israel for last".

This includes all the minions of the beast, gnowing and unknowing.

Until the next round.

LOOK for yourSELF. That is in fact the message of both Q and the Bible.

I eventually asked you to read ONE PAGE and bring me some critique.

Failing as a 'seeker after smooth things' as the saying implies.

I've not asserted my convictions. It isn't about anyone's personal convictions anyway.

3 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Re: read the writings of the Early Church Fathers against the heretics and gnostics would you do that?

Already did that. In fact, a lot of those fathers later became 'heretics' to the orthodoxy. They now are accused of being 'tainted' by gnostic ideas. Interesting that they were the messenger, not the other way around. The gnostic element of Judea was eliminated by mass murder at Massada and later eliminated from formation of the Roman Catholic Church by assassination at the Council of Nicea.

I now have no need for either 'side' of their arguments as they are misrepresented in the first place. The 'winners' by hook get to define the argument and answers both.

A 'borrowed' cult religion by definition. You can deny but it doesn't matter.

Who are these 'The gnostics'?

Gnosis of what? There are 'black' and 'white' understandings.

They too, oppose each other. The white wizards vs the warlocks. Both at 40k.

I claim no membership to any club because one vessel can't hold the ocean it swims in. Gnosis is a stage of development, a higher understanding than agnosis masquerading as 'belief'.

Two sides until conjoined:

Isis is feminine principle - in opposition to its counterpart

Ra is masculine principle - In opposition to its counterpart.

Conjoined as One is EL or Is-ra-el.

LOOK for yourSELF. That is in fact the message of both Q and the Bible.

I eventually asked you to read ONE PAGE and bring me some critique.

Failing as a 'seeker after smooth things' as the saying implies.

I've not asserted my convictions. It isn't about anyone's personal convictions anyway.

3 days ago
1 score