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Comparative religion Arguments are for people who don't know what they are comparing with, to, or from without this understanding of source.

Actual comparitive religion will discover similarities leading to ultimate truths they share but don't own. I've done it my whole life. I don't suggest it lightly.

Until the true source is found, It becomes 'wise men in the dark' trying to describe an elephant.

Or as the sufic sage might say, "Like spittle from the mouths of fish on dry land."

Creation is made from Ideation first. All things.

Symbols are ideation.

To mistake the symbol for the ideation behind is 'looking at the finger pointing at the moon.'

You know what an argument between the true gnostics of every religion would sound like? Me either because there would be nothing to argue about. There would be a glorious silence instead.

Many paths, one source/destination. Many boats, one shoreline.

Once the shore is reached, one needs to get out of the boat.

See Christ calming The Storm while disciples ride it out in a boat.

Only Divine Inspiration can explain one's attempt to find the highest truths and the proof is in the pudding itself. Not its symbol.

3 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Comparative religion Arguments are for people who don't know what they are comparing with, to, or from without this understanding of source.

Actual comparitive religion will discover similarities leading to ultimate truths they share but don't own. I've done it my whole life. I don't suggest it lightly.

Until the true source is found, It becomes 'wise men in the dark' trying to describe an elephant.

Or as the sufic sage might say, "Like spittle from the mouths of fish on dry land."

Creation is made from Ideation first. All things.

Symbols are ideation.

To mistake the symbol for the ideation behind is 'looking at the finger pointing at the moon.'

You know what an argument would sound like between the true gnostics of every religion would sound like? Me either because there would be silence instead.

Many paths, one source/destination. Many boats, one shoreline.

Once the shore is reached, one needs to get out of the boat.

See Christ calming The Storm while disciples ride it out in a boat.

Only Divine Inspiration can explain one's attempt to find the highest truths and the proof is in the pudding itself. Not its symbol.

3 days ago
1 score