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tldr at bottom;

This goes even deeper in the rabbit hole but this is what I found after many years of studying it all.

The purpose of our Soul is to grow into perfection. Same goes with a planet but if the members turn the planet into a living hell, then the Planet will reset itself somehow. Oftentimes, the reset is from a cataclysm. Hell itself is caused when many People are willing to do anything for self gain even if it means hurting others such as with the Pharmaceutical Industry, taxes, ect.. Basically selfishness causes hell.

One reason why Earth fell into hell in the 1st place is because 200,000 years ago, an "alien" of an Angelic order decided to rebel. This is in fact very rare but it happened and this led to the fall of Lucifer and his followers from power. They scattered across about 40 planets. Earth was one of them because the ancient cavemen were so dumb and so easy to trick. There were very dark times in the past. One thing I did find is that the Hebrews who wrote the Bible in 500 BC actually lied about Adam and Eve being the 1st 2 humans. If you check the Bible, Cain went to the City of Nod after killing Abel to start a new life so how did this City exist if this was the 1st family in history? The Hebrews wanted to hide the evil era that happened before Adam and Eve. They literally wanted to bury it in history because it was too evil. Adam and Eve were simply superhuman prophets of the time here to really help the World as it was advancing. If they had succeeded, we would be in great shape but they broke a rule which got confused with eating the fruit off the tree. The reason this confusion happened is because Adam/Eve existed in 30,000 BC and without written records, the story was passed down from generation to generation all the way to 500 BC when it was mostly distorted so the Hebrews who wrote about it were simply mistaken. Satan did in fact trick Eve and Adam simply joined Eve in breaking a rule. The rule had to do with the spreading of Purple DNA which eradicates all fear, illness and makes People smarter and better looking. If this DNA had spread, it would mean the end of Satan's rule over Earth. I know the Bible mentions that Satan came in the form of a Serpent. I wonder if he possessed a Reptilian. Who knows. The reason these demonic beings were allowed to exist in the 1st place is because the hell they caused forced many to grow up and advance quickly kind of like how a bad neighborhood might do that to some of the kids who have to work hard to survive. These groups were later taken down after Jesus' death at the upper levels but the lower level ones still remain. Some call the lower level ones Archons and you can say they are the top of Earth's deep state.

The Archons love destruction so worldwide destruction is a full blown victory for them. This is because they eat the energy of suffering and death. They are not allowed to come near humans at this time due to more powerful White Hats in higher places. The lower level might be controlled by deep state but mid and high level are all White Hats. The reason they don't save us is because we have to learn how to save ourselves to graduate. Either way, even if we die, our Soul is eternal so we never actually die forever.

Under the Archons are the Reptilians. The Reptile body has a difficult time connecting to their own Soul in the heart region which causes them to commit evil more easily. Mammals are newer and much more connected than reptiles. There are also Grays which evolved from Ants. The Grays and Reptilians have been through many wars which is why the artificial moon has so many craters in it. This World has seen 13 Cataclysms with Atlantis being #13 which is why it's considered a bad luck number. If we don't save it now, #14 is around the corner but at the same time, humanity is much more evolved and wise so the odds of us saving it are actually high now.

Eventually the Reptilians enslaved the Grays and forced them to bring them children to eat. Yes, Reptilians literally eat live People and probably animals too. The way they look Human (shapeshift) is by psychically tapping into the Root Chakra which is responsible for our appearance in this World. They simply alter their entire appearance since most of physical matter is empty space anyway and very malleable. Most of the kids that go missing are going direct to the Reptilians who live underground.

One thing all these beings who chose evil over good (there are good Reptilians, ect.. too) can't stand is Love. It makes them squeamish and unravels their ego mask. The ego is a mask that we wear that makes us think we are human or Reptilians or whatever. In fact, we are the Soul seated in the Heart going for a ride in a faulty machine that we have to do our best to guide from limited awareness. As People evolve, that awareness grows and eventually the body is perfected. Jesus was perfect because he was extremely aware of his true nature but even he had some limitations due to the body. Jesus is a body. The Christ is the Spirit within. 2 different things. The Christ simply had a solid foothold over the ego. The reason Jesus appeared is because this World has had so many problems that it led to an extremely higher level White Hat to come in and show us the way. His message of Love, Forgiveness, Unity and Faith, when practiced in a proper way (most People don't know how it works) is the way to save the World and save one's own life from the problems of the World. The Deep State knew this and so they diverted our attention to Jesus' death claiming his death was our Salvation. They are crafty deceivers so you have to question literally everything all the time. So when the Deep State are around Love, the opposite of fear, their entire Ego Mask begins to dismantle naturally as they remember who they are. The ego doesn't want to lose control and so it flees from Love. When Love spreads around the World, the Archons would outright flee the Planet.

The Annunaki are another group of Bird People. I believe they can actually fly and were known as the Watchers when they lived on Earth. They also turned to darkness and manipulated Human DNA to make our mind/body dependent on the Deep State for shelter, food, ect... All other animals are able to live in the Wild without issue, but Humans don't have that luxury due to DNA alterations probably by the Annunaki long ago. Annunaki were the ones who setup the Pyramids and ruled Egypt which is why you see so many wings in Egyptian art. I'm pretty sure the Grays were also part of that empire. Grays get complicated because there are different types. Its best to call them insectoids. A lot of insectoids have a long head and some of their hybrids like Rothschild also has a long head.

The pyramids used to have White Stone on it with a Gold cap at the top. The triangle shape makes energy bounce around there. At the capstone was some kind of organic portal made from the way the pyramids are made. Pyramids are basically organic technology. Another feature they had was to provide energy. The whole universe is an electromagnectic system so all we have to do is transfer that energy into a battery or something to get free energy. Who knows what they did with those portals. They did build the pyramids on lay lines but they have been shuffled after all these years due to natural Earth changes.

Nibiru is an artificial planet the Annunaki made and moved there from Earth due to lots of slave rebellions. Nibiru goes around the Sun and back to Earth every few thousands years and it was back at Earth in 2022. I even heard a leaked Military recording saying the Annunaki would be back in 2022. Now suddenly we have all kinds of ships in the sky. The UFOs use simple tech. They do use free energy using copper wire and magnets. Somehow putting a donut shaped magnet with copper wires arranged around it causes the copper wire to get powered up and then you can deliver it to a battery of some kind. The way the UFOs fly is by adding a clockwise electric spin over a counterclockwise electric spin. Somehow this counters gravity. The big ships with blue flames coming out the back are using 2D organic tech. 2D is the astral, imagination and dream world. All possibilities exist there. A black hole is a portal into 2D where everything transforms into a flat image and then the exist of the black hole are suns. The flames coming out of the sun are the energy being released at the exist point of the black hole. Space ships can utilize that technology to create free energy to push along their giant crafts in space using that. When they come out of the sun, they are unharmed because of a plasma shield around the ship that protects them from outside effects, even the effects of momentum. Plasma stems from the Ether which is what the 4 elements of water, fire, earth and win stem from.

There are also good aliens like Sasquatch who are probably the most moral species on Earth by far. Some of those Pladeans that look like Nordic White People are probably good. It seems both groups also believe in Jesus.

The aliens are trying to come out of the closet now. They are worried about racism because some of them look funny to us and we look funny to some of them. Many of them are mature enough to not laugh at us but they are concerned that young Humans might be immature. Humans are considered just entering age 5 on the Universal scale. You can say age 5-20 is the critical point of our existence when we have the highest chance of going on the wrong path.

Ultimately Humans became the centerpiece of the World with many extraterrestrial beings observing us for a very long time. Now we are expected to be the saviors of the World and this has a high chance of actually happening once Humans hit the breaking point which should have happened by now. I guess we can take a lot of pain before snapping.

Later, after we save it, we will see that we have had all the resources we ever needed the entire time. "Lack of Resources" was a lie to justify poverty this entire time.

The other group that is willing to help us at the front lines is the Sasquatch but we have to stop trying to shoot them when we see them. This is why they don't interact with us. They have psychic radars that tells them if we are within 3 miles of them so they are almost impossible to track. You can say Sasquatch are our big brothers. They are older than us. Humans are the youngest intelligent species on Earth.

This is a deeper level of redpill but everything has to be fully understood for us to get past all this. The greatest powers we wield are Faith in God and the power of God to enhance our lives, Love to nurture the World, forgiveness to end revenge battles and cause mental peace, and unity to generate power (unity actually is power). This is exactly what Jesus explained but simple minded humans never looked deeper into all this to truly understand it. There are very, very deep meanings behind it all and it takes full blown training to understand it all. A hard to read book that explains it pretty well is called "Course In Miracles".

Now the Deep State must be panicking for them to outright attack us through trail derailments, ecological sabotage, terrorist attacks, ect.. One reason they are panicking is because Humanity is on the brink of Spiritual Evolution. A new self-awareness will kick and this will literally change everything about our own existence. The only ones who won't achieve this are very evil People or completely ignorant People who aren't ready for it yet. I have read that they ran the Covid psyop to hopefully kill People before they evolve. That is just 1 reason why. When will it happen? The solar flares, the shifting of the poles and the animals in the street are all signs that it is happening as we speak. Later on some confused People will end up worshiping the sun thinking it was the sun who saved us because the solar flares disrupt the electronic systems and a lot of electronic systems are used to enslave Humanity. If they go down, it's like our cage disappearing. So this is why the Deep State is acting wild.

The Deep State is also getting abandoned. People can't take being in it anymore because of all the pressure Humanity is putting on them. All those Politicians, Hollywood stars and Transnational CEOs that are part of the Deep State are getting crushed everywhere they go by the People yelling at them and exposing their evil deeds. Every action they make is scrutinized by millions of us so they can't get away with much anymore and this makes their life much harder. I heard when they talk about PedoGate, they don't speak a word. Instead, they pass around a notepad to communicate. They are very afraid of being found out and they are praying to legalize pedophilia so they get a free ticket out of it. This is why they are pushing on it so hard. Luckily the People refuse to accept it. Those parents at Drag Queen Story Hour are undercover agents that are part of the Deep State posing as parents to make it all seem normal and family friendly. One reason they have many pedos among them is because when they rape kids, the evil is so bad that it literally feeds the Archons well. The more evil the act, the more food for the Archons. In exchange, the Archons help those Deep State agents get rich and powerful. Oftentimes, they outright possess them and then the Deep State agent's life actually becomes a living hell. They see demons in the mirror. They have terrible dreams at night. They keep an entourage around them because they are afraid of being alone with the demon. A lot of times when they are on the public stage, its the Demon acting through them as they are better stage performers than them.

It's a messy situation and as bad as it looks, by us viewing it, it is dissolving. The only way evil can survive is in secrecy and that age just passed. If we zoom out, we would see that most all Planets are doing great. Earth would simply be considered a bad neighborhood but once we make it past everything, it will enter a Golden Age of rapid progression for a very long time to come. When the Deep State's oppression is finally released, Humanity will spring to very great heights in an unstoppable motion. This is what the Deep State is afraid of because they lose all their power when this happens. They only survive in a World of fear.

tldr; A lot of competing alien factions have been on this planet for a long time living underground and observing Humans. Some of the dark factions have held more power but they are on the brink of losing it all. They continue to lose power daily. Eventually it is expected that Humanity will take over Power from them over our own lives and things will drastically improve. This makes the deep state panic which is why they are lashing out so bad by outright running terror attacks out in full view of the public like the Ohio attack or the Covid genocide.

1 year ago
2 score
Reason: Original

tldr at bottom;

This goes even deeper in the rabbit hole but this is what I found after many years of studying it all.

The purpose of our Soul is to grow into perfection. Same goes with a planet but if the members turn the planet into a living hell, then the Planet will reset itself somehow. Oftentimes, the reset is from a cataclysm. Hell itself is caused when many People are willing to do anything for self gain even if it means hurting others such as with the Pharmaceutical Industry, taxes, ect.. Basically selfishness causes hell.

One reason why Earth fell into hell in the 1st place is because 200,000 years ago, an "alien" of an Angelic order decided to rebel. This is in fact very rare but it happened and this led to the fall of Lucifer and his followers from power. They scattered across about 40 planets. Earth was one of them because the ancient cavemen were so dumb and so easy to trick. There were very dark times in the past. One thing I did find is that the Hebrews who wrote the Bible in 500 BC actually lied about Adam and Eve being the 1st 2 humans. If you check the Bible, Cain went to the City of Nod after killing Abel to start a new life so how did this City exist if this was the 1st family in history? The Hebrews wanted to hide the evil era that happened before Adam and Eve. They literally wanted to bury it in history because it was too evil. Adam and Eve were simply superhuman prophets of the time here to really help the World as it was advancing. If they had succeeded, we would be in great shape but they broke a rule which got confused with eating the fruit off the tree. The reason this confusion happened is because Adam/Eve existed in 30,000 BC and without written records, the story was passed down from generation to generation all the way to 500 BC when it was mostly distorted so the Hebrews who wrote about it were simply mistaken. Satan did in fact trick Eve and Adam simply joined Eve in breaking a rule. The rule had to do with the spreading of Purple DNA which eradicates all fear, illness and makes People smarter and better looking. If this DNA had spread, it would mean the end of Satan's rule over Earth. I know the Bible mentions that Satan came in the form of a Serpent. I wonder if he possessed a Reptilian. Who knows. The reason these demonic beings were allowed to exist in the 1st place is because the hell they caused forced many to grow up and advance quickly kind of like how a bad neighborhood might to that to some of the kids who have to work hard to survive. These groups were later taken down after Jesus' deaths at the upper levels but the lower level ones still remain. Some call the lower level ones Archons and you can say they are the top of Earth's deep state.

The Archons love destruction so worldwide destruction is a full blown victory for them. This is because they eat the energy of suffering and death. They are not allowed to come near humans at this time due to more powerful White Hats in higher places. The lower level might be controlled by deep state but mid and high level are all White Hats. The reason they don't save us is because we have to learn how to save ourselves to graduate. Either way, even if we die, our Soul is eternal so we never actually die forever.

Under the Archons are the Reptilians. The Reptile body has a difficult time connecting to their own Soul in the heart region which causes them to commit evil more easily. Mammals are newer and much more connected than reptiles. There are also Grays which evolved from Ants. The Grays and Reptilians have been through many wars which is why the artificial moon has so many craters in it. This World has seen 13 Cataclysms with Atlantis being #13 which is why it's considered a bad luck number. If we don't save it now, #14 is around the corner but at the same time, humanity is much more evolved and wise so the odds of us saving it are actually high now.

Eventually the Reptilians enslaved the Grays and forced them to bring them children to eat. Yes, Reptilians literally eat live People and probably animals too. The way they look Human (shapeshift) is by psychically tapping into the Root Chakra which is responsible for our appearance in this World. They simply alter their entire appearance since most of physical matter is empty space anyway and very malleable. Most of the kids that go missing are going direct to the Reptilians who live underground.

One thing all these beings who chose evil over good (there are good Reptilians, ect.. too) can't stand is Love. It makes them squeamish and unravels their ego mask. The ego is a mask that we wear that makes us think we are human or Reptilians or whatever. In fact, we are the Soul seated in the Heart going for a ride in a faulty machine that we have to do our best to guide from limited awareness. As People evolve, that awareness grows and eventually the body is perfected. Jesus was perfect because he was extremely aware of his true nature but even he had some limitations due to the body. Jesus is a body. The Christ is the Spirit within. 2 different things. The Christ simply had a solid foothold over the ego. The reason Jesus appeared is because this World has had so many problems that it led to an extremely higher level White Hat to come in and show us the way. His message of Love, Forgiveness, Unity and Faith, when practiced in a proper way (most People don't know how it works) is the way to save the World and save one's own life from the problems of the World. The Deep State knew this and so they diverted our attention to Jesus' death claiming his death was our Salvation. They are crafty deceivers so you have to question literally everything all the time. So when the Deep State are around Love, the opposite of fear, their entire Ego Mask because to dismantle naturally as they remember who they are. The ego doesn't want to lose control and so it flees from Love. When Love spreads around the World, the Archons would outright flee the Planet.

The Annunaki are another group of Bird People. I believe they can actually fly and were known as the Watchers when they lived on Earth. They also turned to darkness and manipulated Human DNA to make our mind/body dependent on the Deep State for shelter, food, ect... All other animals are able to live in the Wild without issue, but Humans don't have that luxury due to DNA alterations probably by the Annunaki long ago. Annunaki were the ones who setup the Pyramids and ruled Egypt which is why you see so many wings in Egyptian art. I'm pretty sure the Grays were also part of that empire. Grays get complicated because there are different types. Its best to call them insectoids. A lot of insectoids have a long head and some of their hybrids like Rothschild also has a long head.

The pyramids used to have White Stone on it with a Gold cap at the top. The triangle shape makes energy bounce around there. At the capstone was some kind of organic portal made from the way the pyramids are made. Pyramids are basically organic technology. Another feature they had was to provide energy. The whole universe is an electromagnectic system so all we have to do is transfer that energy into a battery or something to get free energy. Who knows what they did with those portals. They did build the pyramids on lay lines but they have been shuffled after all these years due to natural Earth changes.

Nibiru is an artificial planet the Annunaki made and moved there from Earth due to lots of slave rebellions. Nibiru goes around the Sun and back to Earth every few thousands years and it was back at Earth in 2022. I even heard a leaked Military recording saying the Annunaki would be back in 2022. Now suddenly we have all kinds of ships in the sky. The UFOs use simple tech. They do use free energy using copper wire and magnets. Somehow putting a donut shaped magnet with copper wires arranged around it causes the copper wire to get powered up and then you can deliver it to a battery of some kind. The way the UFOs fly is by adding a clockwise electric spin over a counterclockwise electric spin. Somehow this counters gravity. The big ships with blue flames coming out the back are using 2D organic tech. 2D is the astral, imagination and dream world. All possibilities exist there. A black hole is a portal into 2D where everything transforms into a flat image and then the exist of the black hole are suns. The flames coming out of the sun are the energy being released at the exist point of the black hole. Space ships can utilize that technology to create free energy to push along their giant crafts in space using that.

There are also good aliens like Sasquatch who are probably the most moral species on Earth by far. Some of those Pladeans that look like Nordic White People are probably good. It seems both groups also believe in Jesus.

The aliens are trying to come out of the closet now. They are worried about racism because some of them look funny to us and we look funny to some of them. Many of them are mature enough to not laugh at us but they are concerned that young Humans might be immature. Humans are considered just entering age 5 on the Universal scale. You can say age 5-20 is the critical point of our existence when we have the highest chance of going on the wrong path.

Ultimately Humans became the centerpiece of the World with many extraterrestrial beings observing us for a very long time. Now we are expected to be the saviors of the World and this has a high chance of actually happening once Humans hit the breaking point which should have happened by now. I guess we can take a lot of pain before snapping.

Later, after we save it, we will see that we have had all the resources we ever needed the entire time. "Lack of Resources" was a lie to justify poverty this entire time.

The other group that is willing to help us at the front lines is the Sasquatch but we have to stop trying to shoot them when we see them. This is why they don't interact with us. They have psychic radars that tells them if we are within 3 miles of them so they are almost impossible to track. You can say Sasquatch are our big brothers. They are older than us. Humans are the youngest intelligent species on Earth.

This is a deeper level of redpill but everything has to be fully understood for us to get past all this. The greatest powers we wield are Faith in God and the power of God to enhance our lives, Love to nurture the World, forgiveness to end revenge battles and cause mental peace, and unity to generate power (unity actually is power). This is exactly what Jesus explained but simple minded humans never looked deeper into all this to truly understand it. There are very, very deep meanings behind it all and it takes full blown training to understand it all. A hard to read book that explains it pretty well is called "Course In Miracles".

Now the Deep State must be panicking for them to outright attack us through trail derailments, ecological sabotage, terrorist attacks, ect.. One reason they are panicking is because Humanity is on the bring of Spiritual Evolution. A new self-awareness will kick and this will literally change everything about our own existence. The only ones who won't achieve this are very evil People are completely ignorant People who aren't ready for it yet. I have read that they ran the Covid psyop to hopefully kill People before they evolve. That is just 1 reason why. When will it happen? The solar flares, the shifting of the poles and the animals in the street are all signs that it is happening as we speak. Later on some confused People will end up worshiping the sun thinking it was the sun who saved us because the solar flares disrupt the electronic systems and a lot of electronic systems are used to enslave Humanity. If they go down, it's like our cage disappearing. So this is why the Deep State is acting wild.

The Deep State is also getting abandoned. People can't take being in it anymore because of all the pressure Humanity is putting on them. All those Politicians, Hollywood starts and Transnational CEOs that are part of the Deep State are getting crushed everywhere they go by the People yelling at them and exposing their evil deeds. Every action they make is scrutinized by millions of us so they can't get away with much anymore and this makes their life much harder. I heard when they talk about PedoGate, they don't speak a word. Instead, they pass around a notepad and speak about that. They are very afraid of being found out and they are praying to legalize pedophilia so they get a free ticket out of it. This is why they are pushing on it so hard. Luckily the People refuse to accept it. Those parents at Drag Queen Story Hour are undercover agents that are part of the Deep State posing as parents to make it all seem normal and family friendly. One reason they have many pedos among them is because when they rape kids, the evil is so bad that it literally feeds the Archons well. The more evil the act, the more food for the Archons. In exchange, the Archons help those Deep State agents get rich and powerful. Oftentimes, they outright possess them and then the Deep State agent's life actually becomes a living hell. They see demons in the mirror. They have terrible dreams at night. They keep an entourage around them because they are afraid of being alone with the demon. A lot of times when they are on the public stage, its the Demon acting through them as they are better stage performers than them.

It's a messy situation and as bad as it looks, by us viewing it, it is dissolving. The only way evil can survive is in secrecy and that age just passed. If we zoom out, we would see that most all Planets are doing great. Earth would simply be considered a bad neighborhood but once we make it past everything, it will enter a Golden Age of rapid progression for a very long time to come. When the Deep State's oppression is finally released, Humanity will spring to very great heights in an unstoppable motion. This is what the Deep State is afraid of because they lose all their power when this happens. They only survive in a World of fear.

tldr; A lot of competing alien factions have been on this planet for a long time living underground and observing Humans. Some of the dark factions have held more power but they are on the brink of losing it all. They continue to lose power daily. Eventually it is expected that Humanity will take over Power from them over our own lives and things will drastically improve. This makes the deep state panic which is why they are lashing out so bad by outright running terror attacks out in full view of the public like the Ohio attack or the Covid genocide.

1 year ago
1 score