did you think TPTB were omnipotent?
I didn't, but many here and there do, giving TPTB their power.
do you think they really care about a few pears?
Pears is just an example of commodities. You could easily replace pears with advanced microchips or critical materials if you wish.
did you think TPTB were omnipotent?
I didn't, but many here and there do, giving TPTB their power.
do you think they really care about a few pears?
Pears is just an example of commodities. You could easily replace pears with advaced microchips or critical materials if you wish.
did you think TPTB were omnipotent?
I didn't, but many here and there are, giving TPTB their power.
do you think they really care about a few pears?
Pears is just an example of commodities. You could easily replace pears with advaced microchips or critical materials if you wish.