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Reason: None provided.

Assets won't go down because of inflation / money printing.

In a normal economy, the prices for houses will deflate, because only millenials/genZ can buy them....

  • Boomers sell homes and property to millenials/genZ, at a reduced price, since it's hard for them to buy.
  • Boomers use that money to live off the goods/services that millenials/genZ produce, so they don't have to work.
  • Millenials/genZ get to own their homes and property.
  • It's win-win.

In clown economy, nothing deflates because it's bought with made up dollars...

  • Boomers sell homes to jew banks, at an inflated price because they have infinite money printers.
  • Boomers use that money to live off the goods/services that millenials/genZ produce, so they don't have to work.
  • Millenials/genZ don't get to own anything, so their money gets extracted from them as they become a slave class of renters.
  • Inflation goes up even more because of the printed money.

We definitely live in the second world and not the first. In case you haven't noticed, this has already been happening for years. This is why everything is fucked right now. The boomers started retiring in 2011 and the average boomer is already retired. The deflation should have started years ago and it didn't, because we live in clown world. The (((banks))) have already stolen the nation's property with a switcheroo, by trading our real assets for their fake invented dollars, like an Indiana Jones switcheroo, and they'll continue to do so.

17 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Assets won't go down because of inflation / money printing.

In a normal economy, the prices for houses will deflate, because only millenials/genZ can buy them....

  • Boomers sell homes and property to millenials/genZ, at a reduced price, since it's hard for them to buy.
  • Boomers use that money to live off the goods/services that millenials/genZ produce, so they don't have to work.
  • Millenials/genZ get to own their homes and property.
  • It's win-win.

In clown economy, nothing deflates because it's bought with made up dollars...

  • Boomers sell homes to jew banks, at an inflated price because they have infinite money printers.
  • Boomers use that money to live off the goods/services that millenials/genZ produce, so they don't have to work.
  • Millenials/genZ don't get to own anything, so their money gets extracted from them as they become a slave class of renters.
  • Inflation goes up even more because of the printed money.

We definitely live in the second world and not the first. In case you haven't noticed, this has already been happening for years. This is why everything is fucked right now. The boomers started retiring in 2011 and the average boomer is already retired. The deflation should have started years ago and it didn't, because we live in clown world.

17 days ago
1 score