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Reason: edit add-on

I think a lot of this.. has to do with the present moment, where you go.. ok do I do what I feel like doing, or do you do, what you know is the right thing, but it may be more difficult.

It's almost like this trying to quit smoking or guys who can't handle drinking, like those hardcore alcoholics, if they try to quit. Where their mind will continuously keep thinking about it all the time. Then you get guys who do quit but you know they're miserable all the time. Sometimes might be better off just smoking again. Some people get old and still do it. You're gonna die anyways.

What does your "higher self" say to do in these situations. Is it the never fucking drink ever again. Apparently so.. because otherwise like let's say, for the never getting rich. This always spending your tomorrows hungover. Some of that could be holding you up, why you don't have more success so far.

These self destructive bad habits though, where you know it's the bad decision to keep doing, but you go "fuck it" and keep doing it anyways. Like fat people who keep snacking all the time.

But nevermind these bad habits. I'm talking about little present moment decisions, where if you wanna fix a shitty life, it a long term project. Why your life is shitty, is because you kept doing what you felt like all the time, at every present moment. So if you wanna try and fix that, at some point you gotta go "no" to yourself. I think that's the "ego" which does those things. So it's like a parent to a kid where it doesn't like it when you go, no you can't keep having that candy all day long. Or you can let it do that, like as an adult you can eat all that junk and hey, go ahead.. and you tried but you feel lousy after. Sometimes it's like oh pick up a bunch of those various types of ice cream type snacks. And you'll eat like 2 boxes of 4 packs of those oreo ice cream bars. lol. Then you feel lousy after. The parent would go to the kid, oh you can just have 1. That's because you'll feel "ugh" after if you keep having more.

So, as the kid.. they must be totally ego driven. Maybe it's cause they don't know the "right" way to do things yet. I don't know. But aren't kids more tuned into this higher self.

And why do you become this disgruntled adult instead of enjoying life. I had this saying.. in the present momen, "imma be happy instead". Cause otherwise there's always some annoying thing to keep you fouled up. Or if you're dealing with something stupid and you get in a bad mood, right. You gotta go.. ok this sucks but it's like that other saying of how in any situation you can either have a negative or positive attitude.

Yeah cause especially if you don't have lots of money, it'll suck, all the time. And if you're waiting till you got a bunch of money, before you can finally be "happy", well odds are, it'll never happen. And you'll have spent your whole life never being happy. Cause most of the present there's always something that sucks all the time. So, I guess ya gotta be cheery even though that bullshit is going on.

But let's get back to the start here.. of these present moment decisions, compiled over a lifetime which makes your life shitty. To fix it, you have to not do what you feel like doing in the present moment, and do the right thing. What you know is the right thing to do, even though it's difficult.

Like what.. am I supposed to go do the dishes right now. lol. Even though they piled up all week. Well, I've got all weekend and I'll get to that when I'm more rested up.

But yeah, just like, "projects", long term projects you could gradually be working on a bit at a time. That could eventually get you out of the hole. Those type things.. maybe you can be working on those more. Instead of always doing the "lazy" thing in the present moment. Yeah.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what you feel like doing. Or.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what your ego feels like doing. Is that the key, here. lol. How to fix a shitty life, gradually. lol.

This is pretty odd behavior though, eh. It's like why would you keep doing what's making your shitty life continuously shitty. Yet, this is what keeps occuring. This going nowhere.

Now how about this stuff here.. with the Ra material. The service to self or service to others. Where does this all fit in. I think I seen the service to others thing. That seems to fall into the "higher self" thing of what to do. The ego doesn't wanna do the service to others.

That's a "charming notion" but if you can barely pay the bills, you don't have any to give to them. It's money that'll fix their problems and that's it. Well.. I guess to do service to others, better.. you'd have to quit fuckin around with your life and work towards how you could get a shitload of money so then it'd be super easy to do that service to others, somehow. Plus you could probably make money doing it. That's a good one, eh. How could you do service to others, but make money during. lol.

Like what is this service to others. Maybe listening to them. Checking out what they're up to. I guess it's not always this giving money to the homeless. Those guys.. they tend to fuck around, eh. Like they could be out of the hole but some of them can be lazy or something. They can also have mental health issues. If you see them ranting to themselves. They couldn't work a job. But these days it's tough to get a job so whatever.

But yeah.. the Ra material book.. talked about this service to others. And the cabal it's this service to self, but for their lucifer soul group. So when they do things for their buddies, it's not service to others. But if they go to help the goyim, then it'd be service to others. So they're not allowed to do that. This whole higher self thing seems to involve lots of this service to others.

Here.. I'll go ask bing AI. lol


what does the "higher self" think about "service to others"


The concept of the “higher self” is often associated with the most enlightened, spiritually evolved version of an individual, resonating with unconditional love, profound wisdom, and a deep connection to the universal source1. In this context, “service to others” is seen as a natural expression of the higher self. Acts of selflessness and compassion are considered to be in alignment with the qualities of the higher self, such as universal love and compassion1.

The idea is that by serving others, we not only help those in need but also foster our own spiritual growth and connection to our higher self. It’s a path of self-discovery and self-actualization, where one can gain insights into their own values, beliefs, and strengths2. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” This suggests that service to others is not just a moral duty but also a means of personal and spiritual development2.

So, in essence, the higher self views service to others as a crucial aspect of spiritual practice and personal enlightenment132. It’s a way to transcend the ego and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and interconnectedness with all life1.


What about if you barely have money so you can't just give money to homeless people.


Service to others doesn’t necessarily require monetary contributions. There are many ways to help that don’t involve giving money, especially if one’s own financial resources are limited. Here are some ideas:

Volunteering Time: Offer your time to local shelters, food banks, or community centers.

Sharing Skills: Use your skills or talents to benefit others, like tutoring, repairing, or cooking.

Donating Items: Give away clothes, food, or other items you no longer need.

Advocacy: Raise awareness about issues affecting the homeless or disadvantaged groups.

Kindness: Simple acts of kindness, such as a smile or conversation, can make a significant difference.

Remember, the essence of service is the intention and effort to uplift others, regardless of the form it takes. Your higher self would recognize the value in any genuine act of kindness and service.

So, I don't know.. if you wanna do the service to others better, you'd have to get a bunch of money, with chain businesses. And maybe the most efficient way to get there, is this can't be wasting time on others. So, you might have to be hardcore with the "service to self" to get to that point where you can have lots of power with the service to others. hmm.

Then you can fix problems in the world. But then you're going up against the cabal. lol. Would they let you keep doing that, eh. I think they have to, according to the hidden hand interview. They can't just take you out. lol.

103 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on

I think a lot of this.. has to do with the present moment, where you go.. ok do I do what I feel like doing, or do you do, what you know is the right thing, but it may be more difficult.

It's almost like this trying to quit smoking or guys who can't handle drinking, like those hardcore alcoholics, if they try to quit. Where their mind will continuously keep thinking about it all the time. Then you get guys who do quit but you know they're miserable all the time. Sometimes might be better off just smoking again. Some people get old and still do it. You're gonna die anyways.

What does your "higher self" say to do in these situations. Is it the never fucking drink ever again. Apparently so.. because otherwise like let's say, for the never getting rich. This always spending your tomorrows hungover. Some of that could be holding you up, why you don't have more success so far.

These self destructive bad habits though, where you know it's the bad decision to keep doing, but you go "fuck it" and keep doing it anyways. Like fat people who keep snacking all the time.

But nevermind these bad habits. I'm talking about little present moment decisions, where if you wanna fix a shitty life, it a long term project. Why your life is shitty, is because you kept doing what you felt like all the time, at every present moment. So if you wanna try and fix that, at some point you gotta go "no" to yourself. I think that's the "ego" which does those things. So it's like a parent to a kid where it doesn't like it when you go, no you can't keep having that candy all day long. Or you can let it do that, like as an adult you can eat all that junk and hey, go ahead.. and you tried but you feel lousy after. Sometimes it's like oh pick up a bunch of those various types of ice cream type snacks. And you'll eat like 2 boxes of 4 packs of those oreo ice cream bars. lol. Then you feel lousy after. The parent would go to the kid, oh you can just have 1. That's because you'll feel "ugh" after if you keep having more.

So, as the kid.. they must be totally ego driven. Maybe it's cause they don't know the "right" way to do things yet. I don't know. But aren't kids more tuned into this higher self.

And why do you become this disgruntled adult instead of enjoying life. I had this saying.. in the present momen, "imma be happy instead". Cause otherwise there's always some annoying thing to keep you fouled up. Or if you're dealing with something stupid and you get in a bad mood, right. You gotta go.. ok this sucks but it's like that other saying of how in any situation you can either have a negative or positive attitude.

Yeah cause especially if you don't have lots of money, it'll suck, all the time. And if you're waiting till you got a bunch of money, before you can finally be "happy", well odds are, it'll never happen. And you'll have spent your whole life never being happy. Cause most of the present there's always something that sucks all the time. So, I guess ya gotta be cheery even though that bullshit is going on.

But let's get back to the start here.. of these present moment decisions, compiled over a lifetime which makes your life shitty. To fix it, you have to not do what you feel like doing in the present moment, and do the right thing. What you know is the right thing to do, even though it's difficult.

Like what.. am I supposed to go do the dishes right now. lol. Even though they piled up all week. Well, I've got all weekend and I'll get to that when I'm more rested up.

But yeah, just like, "projects", long term projects you could gradually be working on a bit at a time. That could eventually get you out of the hole. Those type things.. maybe you can be working on those more. Instead of always doing the "lazy" thing in the present moment. Yeah.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what you feel like doing. Or.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what your ego feels like doing. Is that the key, here. lol. How to fix a shitty life, gradually. lol.

This is pretty odd behavior though, eh. It's like why would you keep doing what's making your shitty life continuously shitty. Yet, this is what keeps occuring. This going nowhere.

Now how about this stuff here.. with the Ra material. The service to self or service to others. Where does this all fit in. I think I seen the service to others thing. That seems to fall into the "higher self" thing of what to do. The ego doesn't wanna do the service to others.

That's a "charming notion" but if you can barely pay the bills, you don't have any to give to them. It's money that'll fix their problems and that's it. Well.. I guess to do service to others, better.. you'd have to quit fuckin around with your life and work towards how you could get a shitload of money so then it'd be super easy to do that service to others, somehow. Plus you could probably make money doing it. That's a good one, eh. How could you do service to others, but make money during. lol.

Like what is this service to others. Maybe listening to them. Checking out what they're up to. I guess it's not always this giving money to the homeless. Those guys.. they tend to fuck around, eh. Like they could be out of the hole but some of them can be lazy or something. They can also have mental health issues. If you see them ranting to themselves. They couldn't work a job. But these days it's tough to get a job so whatever.

But yeah.. the Ra material book.. talked about this service to others. And the cabal it's this service to self, but for their lucifer soul group. So when they do things for their buddies, it's not service to others. But if they go to help the goyim, then it'd be service to others. So they're not allowed to do that. This whole higher self thing seems to involve lots of this service to others.

Here.. I'll go ask bing AI. lol


what does the "higher self" think about "service to others"


The concept of the “higher self” is often associated with the most enlightened, spiritually evolved version of an individual, resonating with unconditional love, profound wisdom, and a deep connection to the universal source1. In this context, “service to others” is seen as a natural expression of the higher self. Acts of selflessness and compassion are considered to be in alignment with the qualities of the higher self, such as universal love and compassion1.

The idea is that by serving others, we not only help those in need but also foster our own spiritual growth and connection to our higher self. It’s a path of self-discovery and self-actualization, where one can gain insights into their own values, beliefs, and strengths2. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” This suggests that service to others is not just a moral duty but also a means of personal and spiritual development2.

So, in essence, the higher self views service to others as a crucial aspect of spiritual practice and personal enlightenment132. It’s a way to transcend the ego and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and interconnectedness with all life1.


What about if you barely have money so you can't just give money to homeless people.


Service to others doesn’t necessarily require monetary contributions. There are many ways to help that don’t involve giving money, especially if one’s own financial resources are limited. Here are some ideas:

Volunteering Time: Offer your time to local shelters, food banks, or community centers.

Sharing Skills: Use your skills or talents to benefit others, like tutoring, repairing, or cooking.

Donating Items: Give away clothes, food, or other items you no longer need.

Advocacy: Raise awareness about issues affecting the homeless or disadvantaged groups.

Kindness: Simple acts of kindness, such as a smile or conversation, can make a significant difference.

Remember, the essence of service is the intention and effort to uplift others, regardless of the form it takes. Your higher self would recognize the value in any genuine act of kindness and service.

So, I don't know.. if you wanna do the service to others better, you'd have to get a bunch of money, with chain businesses. And maybe the most efficient way to get there, is this can't be wasting time on others. So, you might have to be hardcore with the "service to self" to get to that point where you can have lots of power with the service to others. hmm

103 days ago
1 score
Reason: edit add-on

I think a lot of this.. has to do with the present moment, where you go.. ok do I do what I feel like doing, or do you do, what you know is the right thing, but it may be more difficult.

It's almost like this trying to quit smoking or guys who can't handle drinking, like those hardcore alcoholics, if they try to quit. Where their mind will continuously keep thinking about it all the time. Then you get guys who do quit but you know they're miserable all the time. Sometimes might be better off just smoking again. Some people get old and still do it. You're gonna die anyways.

What does your "higher self" say to do in these situations. Is it the never fucking drink ever again. Apparently so.. because otherwise like let's say, for the never getting rich. This always spending your tomorrows hungover. Some of that could be holding you up, why you don't have more success so far.

These self destructive bad habits though, where you know it's the bad decision to keep doing, but you go "fuck it" and keep doing it anyways. Like fat people who keep snacking all the time.

But nevermind these bad habits. I'm talking about little present moment decisions, where if you wanna fix a shitty life, it a long term project. Why your life is shitty, is because you kept doing what you felt like all the time, at every present moment. So if you wanna try and fix that, at some point you gotta go "no" to yourself. I think that's the "ego" which does those things. So it's like a parent to a kid where it doesn't like it when you go, no you can't keep having that candy all day long. Or you can let it do that, like as an adult you can eat all that junk and hey, go ahead.. and you tried but you feel lousy after. Sometimes it's like oh pick up a bunch of those various types of ice cream type snacks. And you'll eat like 2 boxes of 4 packs of those oreo ice cream bars. lol. Then you feel lousy after. The parent would go to the kid, oh you can just have 1. That's because you'll feel "ugh" after if you keep having more.

So, as the kid.. they must be totally ego driven. Maybe it's cause they don't know the "right" way to do things yet. I don't know. But aren't kids more tuned into this higher self.

And why do you become this disgruntled adult instead of enjoying life. I had this saying.. in the present momen, "imma be happy instead". Cause otherwise there's always some annoying thing to keep you fouled up. Or if you're dealing with something stupid and you get in a bad mood, right. You gotta go.. ok this sucks but it's like that other saying of how in any situation you can either have a negative or positive attitude.

Yeah cause especially if you don't have lots of money, it'll suck, all the time. And if you're waiting till you got a bunch of money, before you can finally be "happy", well odds are, it'll never happen. And you'll have spent your whole life never being happy. Cause most of the present there's always something that sucks all the time. So, I guess ya gotta be cheery even though that bullshit is going on.

But let's get back to the start here.. of these present moment decisions, compiled over a lifetime which makes your life shitty. To fix it, you have to not do what you feel like doing in the present moment, and do the right thing. What you know is the right thing to do, even though it's difficult.

Like what.. am I supposed to go do the dishes right now. lol. Even though they piled up all week. Well, I've got all weekend and I'll get to that when I'm more rested up.

But yeah, just like, "projects", long term projects you could gradually be working on a bit at a time. That could eventually get you out of the hole. Those type things.. maybe you can be working on those more. Instead of always doing the "lazy" thing in the present moment. Yeah.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what you feel like doing. Or.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what your ego feels like doing. Is that the key, here. lol. How to fix a shitty life, gradually. lol.

This is pretty odd behavior though, eh. It's like why would you keep doing what's making your shitty life continuously shitty. Yet, this is what keeps occuring. This going nowhere.

Now how about this stuff here.. with the Ra material. The service to self or service to others. Where does this all fit in. I think I seen the service to others thing. That seems to fall into the "higher self" thing of what to do. The ego doesn't wanna do the service to others.

That's a "charming notion" but if you can barely pay the bills, you don't have any to give to them. It's money that'll fix their problems and that's it. Well.. I guess to do service to others, better.. you'd have to quit fuckin around with your life and work towards how you could get a shitload of money so then it'd be super easy to do that service to others, somehow. Plus you could probably make money doing it. That's a good one, eh. How could you do service to others, but make money during. lol.

Like what is this service to others. Maybe listening to them. Checking out what they're up to. I guess it's not always this giving money to the homeless. Those guys.. they tend to fuck around, eh. Like they could be out of the hole but some of them can be lazy or something. They can also have mental health issues. If you see them ranting to themselves. They couldn't work a job. But these days it's tough to get a job so whatever.

But yeah.. the Ra material book.. talked about this service to others. And the cabal it's this service to self, but for their lucifer soul group. So when they do things for their buddies, it's not service to others. But if they go to help the goyim, then it'd be service to others. So they're not allowed to do that. This whole higher self thing seems to involve lots of this service to others.

103 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I think a lot of this.. has to do with the present moment, where you go.. ok do I do what I feel like doing, or do you do, what you know is the right thing, but it may be more difficult.

It's almost like this trying to quit smoking or guys who can't handle drinking, like those hardcore alcoholics, if they try to quit. Where their mind will continuously keep thinking about it all the time. Then you get guys who do quit but you know they're miserable all the time. Sometimes might be better off just smoking again. Some people get old and still do it. You're gonna die anyways.

What does your "higher self" say to do in these situations. Is it the never fucking drink ever again. Apparently so.. because otherwise like let's say, for the never getting rich. This always spending your tomorrows hungover. Some of that could be holding you up, why you don't have more success so far.

These self destructive bad habits though, where you know it's the bad decision to keep doing, but you go "fuck it" and keep doing it anyways. Like fat people who keep snacking all the time.

But nevermind these bad habits. I'm talking about little present moment decisions, where if you wanna fix a shitty life, it a long term project. Why your life is shitty, is because you kept doing what you felt like all the time, at every present moment. So if you wanna try and fix that, at some point you gotta go "no" to yourself. I think that's the "ego" which does those things. So it's like a parent to a kid where it doesn't like it when you go, no you can't keep having that candy all day long. Or you can let it do that, like as an adult you can eat all that junk and hey, go ahead.. and you tried but you feel lousy after. Sometimes it's like oh pick up a bunch of those various types of ice cream type snacks. And you'll eat like 2 boxes of 4 packs of those oreo ice cream bars. lol. Then you feel lousy after. The parent would go to the kid, oh you can just have 1. That's because you'll feel "ugh" after if you keep having more.

So, as the kid.. they must be totally ego driven. Maybe it's cause they don't know the "right" way to do things yet. I don't know. But aren't kids more tuned into this higher self.

And why do you become this disgruntled adult instead of enjoying life. I had this saying.. in the present momen, "imma be happy instead". Cause otherwise there's always some annoying thing to keep you fouled up. Or if you're dealing with something stupid and you get in a bad mood, right. You gotta go.. ok this sucks but it's like that other saying of how in any situation you can either have a negative or positive attitude.

Yeah cause especially if you don't have lots of money, it'll suck, all the time. And if you're waiting till you got a bunch of money, before you can finally be "happy", well odds are, it'll never happen. And you'll have spent your whole life never being happy. Cause most of the present there's always something that sucks all the time. So, I guess ya gotta be cheery even though that bullshit is going on.

But let's get back to the start here.. of these present moment decisions, compiled over a lifetime which makes your life shitty. To fix it, you have to not do what you feel like doing in the present moment, and do the right thing. What you know is the right thing to do, even though it's difficult.

Like what.. am I supposed to go do the dishes right now. lol. Even though they piled up all week. Well, I've got all weekend and I'll get to that when I'm more rested up.

But yeah, just like, "projects", long term projects you could gradually be working on a bit at a time. That could eventually get you out of the hole. Those type things.. maybe you can be working on those more. Instead of always doing the "lazy" thing in the present moment. Yeah.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what you feel like doing. Or.. you gotta do what's right, instead of what your ego feels like doing. Is that the key, here. lol. How to fix a shitty life, gradually. lol.

This is pretty odd behavior though, eh. It's like why would you keep doing what's making your shitty life continuously shitty. Yet, this is what keeps occuring. This going nowhere.

103 days ago
1 score