*One thing I find fascinating is there seems to be a common thread among transhumanist is fear of their own death. They will lie to themselves and say they are doing this all for the good of humanity but in reality it seems to be their fear of their own mortality that drives it.
*One thing I find fascinating is there seems to be a common thread among transhumanism is fear of their own death. They will lie to themselves and say they are doing this all for the good of humanity but in reality it seems to be their fear of their own mortality that drives it.
*One thing I find fascinating is there seems to be a common trend among transhumanism is fear of their own death. They will lie to themselves and say they are doing this all for the good of humanity but in reality it seems to be their fear of their own mortality that drives it.
*One thing I find fascinating is there seems to be a common thing among transhumanism is fear of their own death. They will lie to themselves and say they are doing this all for the good of humanity but in reality it seems to be their fear of their own mortality that drives it.