It is probable that in this case Durov will gladly pass every single byte of available information on all that Telegram conversations to FSB. He is complete dick, but he is Russian. Also, he is very angry toward US government for SEC prohibiting his TON/Gram cryptocurrency project.
Interesting, but looks like Russian state bureacrats eventually found out that Telegram is much more useful for them than harmful. After their completely failed attempts to ban Telegram, when even state officials continued to use Telegram as their officia; channels.
In any case Telegram is garbage, just like any other centralized messenger.
It is probable that Durov will gladly pass every single byte of available information on all that Telegram conversations to FSB. He is complete dick, but he is Russian. Also, he is very angry toward US government for SEC prohibiting his TON/Gram cryptocurrency project.
Interesting, but looks like Russian state bureacrats eventually found out that Telegram is much more useful for them than harmful. After their completely failed attempts to ban Telegram, when even state officials continued to use Telegram as their officia; channels.
In any case Telegram is garbage, just like any other centralized messenger.