I agree and the whole world as a matrix/multiple dimensions and other anti-realist eastern philosophy and post-modernist influenced narratives stink like a psy op to me. They've surely promoted this line of thinking in pop culture and academia a lot. They want people confused and second guessing themselves about common knowledge truths like say the difference between a man and a woman, man and animal, right and wrong, truth and falsehood etc.
I agree and the whole world as a matrix/multiple dimensions and other anti-realist eastern philosophy and post-modernist influenced narratives stink like a psy op to me. They've surely promoted this line of thinking in pop culture and academia a lot. They want people confused and second guessing themselves about common knowledge truths like say the difference between a man and a woman, man and animal, good and evil, etc.
I agree and the whole world as a matrix/multiple dimensions and other anti-realist eastern philosophy and post-modernist influenced narratives stink like a psy op to me. They've surely promoted this line of thinking in pop culture and academia a lot. They want people confused and second guessing themselves about common knowledge truths like say the difference between a man and a woman, man and animal, etc.
I agree and the whole world as a matrix/multiple dimensions and other anti-realist eastern philosophy and post-modernist influenced narratives stink like a psy op to me. They've surely promoted this line of thinking in pop culture and academia a lot. They want people confused and second guessing themselves about common knowledge truths like say the difference between a man and a woman, a man and an animal, etc.