The Internet is built by DARPA (Alphabet Soup agencies), so yes you may consider it a trap all along. But even if it isn't, you can always buy and subvert legitimate organizations as the time comes.
Remember that incident in 2016 where Obama literally sold ICANN to the United Nations and the EU AND THEN everything got switched on. These are not freedom-friendly organizations.
The Internet is built by DARPA (Alphabet Soup agencies), so yes you may consider it a trap all along. But even if it isn't, you can always buy and subvert legitimate organizations as the time comes.
Remember that incident in 2016 where Obama literally sold ICANN to the United Nations and the EU. These are not freedom-friendly organizations.
The Internet is built by DARPA, so yes it was a trap all along. But even if it isn't, you can always buy and subvert legitimate organizations as the time comes.