The 'overton window' term has shifted in what people think it means. And entities like wikipedia are busy obfuscating it to their own ends like they did with 'vaccine', 'priviledge', and 'pride', etc. etc.
Because it's a DANGEROUS word.
Here's the most useful DEFINITION of 'Overton Window': "The range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept."
(Basically: what the sheep can actually see and engage in when the propaganda wears off).
A good example would be the Hunter Biden laptop. First it was all denial, then it was 51 cia agents swearing it was russian disinfo in full page ads, and every news agency calling it russian disinfo.. But then, a picture here. A trial there. A senators leak to a rag, evidence released from closed door hearings escape. Etc.
And now the Overton window has shifted from 'denial' to 'Oh, they lied again'.
You can go to and see it yourself. Yep, they sold influence, and the family are legit degenerates. Hunter literally fucked his dead brothers wife and (underage) daughter. Hunter posted her ass on of of his four pornhub accounts as the cover picture no less.
Here's the danger part: the 'slippery slope' you spoke about.. Because now the next part is, "If they lied about that, what else did they lie about?".
(((Muh Holocaust! Turns out it was a propaganda program to distract from the bolshevik genocides))) and who knows how many other lies?
Theoretically, these are the kind of lies that topple societies.
Like I said. A DANGEROUS word. Use it wisely.
The 'overton window' term has shifted in what people think it means. And entities like wikipedia are busy obfuscating it to their own ends like they did with 'vaccine', 'priviledge', and 'pride', etc. etc.
Because it's a DANGEROUS word.
Here's the most useful DEFINITION of 'Overton Window': "The range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept."
(Basically: what the sheep can actually see and engage in when the propaganda wears off).
A good example would be the Hunter Biden laptop. First it was all denial, then it was 51 cia agents swearing it was russian disinfo in full page ads, and every news agency calling it russian disinfo.. But then, a picture here. A trial there. A senators leak to a rag, evidence released from closed door hearings escape. Etc.
And now the Overton window has shifted from 'denial' to 'Oh, they lied again'.
You can go to and see it yourself. Yep, they sold influence, and complete degenerates. Hunter literally fucked his dead brothers wife and (underage) daughter. Hunter posted her ass on of of his four pornhub accounts as the cover picture no less.
Here's the danger part: the 'slippery slope' you spoke about.. Because now the next part is, "If they lied about that, what else did they lie about?".
(((Muh Holocaust! Turns out it was a propaganda program to distract from the bolshevik genocides))) and who knows how many other lies?
Theoretically, these are the kind of lies that topple societies.
Like I said. A DANGEROUS word. Use it wisely.
The 'overton window' term has shifted in what people think it means. And entities like wikipedia are busy obfuscating it to their own ends like they did with 'vaccine', 'priviledge', and 'pride', etc. etc.
Because it's a DANGEROUS word.
Here's the most useful DEFINITION of 'Overton Window': "The range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept."
(Basically: what the sheep can actually see and engage in when the propaganda wears off).
A good example would be the Hunter Biden laptop. First it was all denial, then it was 51 cia agents swearing it was russian disinfo in full page ads, and every news agency calling it russian disinfo.. But then, a picture here.. A trial there.. A senators leak to a rag, evidence released from closed door hearings escape..
And now the Overton window has shifted from 'denial' to 'oh they lied again'.
You can go to and see it yourself. Yep, they sold influence, and biden son and father are pedos. Hunter literally fucked his dead brothers wife and daughter. Posted her ass on of of his four pornhub accounts as the cover picture no less..
Here's the danger part: the slippery slope you spoke about.. Because now the next part is "If they lied about that, what else did they lie about". (((Muh Holocaust! Turns out it was a propaganda program to distract from the bolshevik genocides))) and who know how many other lies?
Theoretically, these are the kind of lies that topple societies.
Like I said. A DANGEROUS word. Use it wisely.