I am not Axo, asshole.
"Dude, I was there. Constantly spamming pro-Russian propaganda and narratives from Russian troll farms, banning anyone who would contradict him. "
BULLSHIT. What a fucking distortion. He banned the trolls - I was all for that. You're lying and trying to position him as a powermad banner. He wasn't. He didn't go ban everyone who disagreed with him. That's a lying distortion by you. You must be one of those SOB trolls he made an enemy of.
He flagged the trolls and Lefties - now here you're defending them - pretty clear you're distorting things a lot. Yeah, you're an agent, not just some ignorant rube.
"Axo is either completely delusional or paid by Russia." Said in the spirit of an Obama-run never Trumper type. You're straight out of the Left playbook. Or maybe one of JCM's gang.
I am not Axo, asshole.
"Dude, I was there. Constantly spamming pro-Russian propaganda and narratives from Russian troll farms, banning anyone who would contradict him. "
BULLSHIT. What a fucking distortion. He banned the trolls - I was all for that. You're lying and trying to position him as a mad banned. He wasn't. He didn't go ban everyone who disagreed with him. That's a lying distortion by you. You must be one of those SOB trolls he made an enemy of.
He flagged the trolls and Lefties - now here you're defending them - pretty clear you're distorting things a lot. Yeah, you're an agent, not just some ignorant rube.
"Axo is either completely delusional or paid by Russia." Said in the spirit of an Obama-run never Trumper type. You're straight out of the Left playbook. Or maybe one of JCM's gang.
I am not Axo, asshole.
"Dude, I was there. Constantly spamming pro-Russian propaganda and narratives from Russian troll farms, banning anyone who would contradict him. "
BULLSHIT. What a fucking distortion. He banned the trolls - I was all for that. You're lying and trying to position him as a mad banned. He wasn't. He didn't go ban everyone who disagreed with him. That's a lying distortion by you. You must be one of those SOB trolls he made an enemy of.
He flagged the trolls and Lefties - now here you're defending them - pretty clear you're distorting things a lot. Yeah, you're an agent, not just some ignorant rube.
"Axo is either completely delusional or paid by Russia." Said in the spirit of an Obama-run never Trumper type. You're straight out of the Left playbook.
I am not Axo, asshole.
"Dude, I was there. Constantly spamming pro-Russian propaganda and narratives from Russian troll farms, banning anyone who would contradict him. "
BULLSHIT. What a fucking distortion. He banned the trolls - I was all for that. You must be one of those trolls he made an enemy of.
He flagged the trolls and Lefties - now here you're defending them - pretty clear you're distorting things a lot. Yeah, you're an agent, not just some ignorant rube.
"Axo is either completely delusional or paid by Russia." Said in the spirit of an Obama-run never Trumper type. You're straight out of the Left playbook.